She kinda bad, but not sig 60 kinda bad

She's cool don't get me wrong. But can I pls get other 7*s too? I'm still missing hulk, tits, chavez, bishop, etc.
Cosmic is the least of my concern rn: got venom waiting for the saga r2 gem, just r5a serpent and got the 7* too. I've also got vox at r3, who does the same things pretty much.
Also, her sig does absolutely nothing 💀. Well, atleast it's not a sig40 thing I guess ¯\_(ツ)_/¯.
One a serious note though, she’s good for some stuff. Good like finding both tits, other 7*’s, and the stuff she’s good for.
And @The_Boss253 , I think your autocorrect needs to go and sit on the naughty step and think about what bad choices it made.
She's sig 80 now. Respectfully, this lady needs to gtf away from me 🗿
Complain when you have sig 120 VTD, sig 100 war machine and sig 80 red goblin.
That said, she's in the rankup pipeline for r2, but it's a damn long line rn; behind r2 venom, r2 mantis, r5 maestro, r5 negasonic, and r5 cgr.