Usually I just take the L and roll over but I'm not letting this die.....kabam needs to fix this

FINALLY made it to the circuit. Got my 2nd win and 7th glorious medal (destroyed the opponent too). Fight was over!!! Yay me. "NOT SO FAST MY FRIEND!"....AFTER THE FIGHT CONCLUDED THR GAME CRASHES AND LOGS ME BACK IN WITH A ZERO SCORE?!?!?! and even if I didn't fight the opponent got 12k points.....I could have paused and won. I've already made a ticket but this is, in the entire ten years I've played this game the most high of highs to IMMEDIATE low of lows I've ever experienced and I'm not taking this one....Not this time. It's wrong, I won ....they lost....I've been through hell and back this meta and it's not ending like this. NOPE. @Kabam Lyra @Kabam Zibiit @kabam EVERYONE 

Sorry that happened to you, really, it's hugely frustrating, but there's literally no way to prove that you actually won that match because your device disconnected before it could submit the results back to the server - for all any of us know you screwed up that fight and got trounced - all we have is your statement to the contrary.
You should have tagged Miike and/or Jax maybe they can help.
Bugs and crashes happen. Take the L and move on. You're not going to get the results on a single fight changed.
I get your frustration, but kabam are not the only culprits to punishing bad internet issues. I play another game owned by riot games, which is a pretty big company. But even they, with all their resources, still punish plays with bad internet connections with bans for being ‘afk’ because detecting real internet crashes vs deliberate ones are near impossible. It sucks but there isn’t a sure fire fix here that they could implement or i’m pretty sure they would.
I’m sure there have probably been PLENTY of times where you were given a Win because your opponent had a similar “crash”.
If you want reimbursement for this time it happened to you, would you like Kabam to look back and see the other times that it happened to your opponent instead.
And TAKE AWAY any of the points, medals, items, etc, that you won those other times that the crash happened to your opponents ?
I already got there and did it myself but it's the point of the argument that actually matters. The amount of people in here who stuck up for a company that sees you as a $ sign and nothing more is a joke. I have an email from kabam explaining to me in detail that unfortunately this is a bug and sometimes the zero score happens and then 24 hrs later someone tell me that this isn't possible and it took the ai 56 seconds to beat me and after reviewing the footage with their tools that is EXACTLY what actually happened.....I was there. That's not what happened. So they can flat out lie to the player and 23 people will run into here and side with kabam .....check your moral compass. it's off.
It was a disconnect IT HAPPENS...
I am not sure how kabam is making money from disconnecting you from 1 match... For someone who just takes an L and moves on.. and someone who doesn't complain a lot (as you said). You are complaining at a brand new level, its almost as if you had all this bottled up..
So yeah big corporate world, corporate greedy pigs blahblah...they are targetting you specifically, you dollar sign stamped forehead Paragon...