Guardian or Hulkbuster to rank 3

I just pull HB today but Guardian will be sig 20 come tomorrow. What do our esteemed MCOC community think?

I think HB should be a worthy rank 3 even unduped while Guardian needs high sigs to get the optimal benefit.
Relic-wise I only have one 6* but I do have the HB 5*. Should I put the 6* Relic on HB and 5* HB relic on Guardian?

I have enough mats to rank 3 one of them as I have a rank 3 gem. Many thanks for your opinion and feedback guys.

I think HB should be a worthy rank 3 even unduped while Guardian needs high sigs to get the optimal benefit.
Relic-wise I only have one 6* but I do have the HB 5*. Should I put the 6* Relic on HB and 5* HB relic on Guardian?

I have enough mats to rank 3 one of them as I have a rank 3 gem. Many thanks for your opinion and feedback guys.
Also he don't need high sig for attack.
Guardian doesn’t go through this trouble (plus we are getting a free Guardian today)