PSA for Aegon in raids…

Turies4069Turies4069 Member Posts: 4
I decided to go in as an Assault tagged champ this Raid cycle and was ultimately impressed with his performance as he got ramped up consistently getting 100k hits and being able to deal max damage reliably while ignoring the pesky auto lock shenanigans that came with it. He seemed too good.

That was until I got to MODOK…. By the time I got there he’s at max ramp it should be easy enough right? It’s the total opposite as you are unable to gain raid fervor if RNG gives you the “Hit into block prompt”. I don’t know if it’s intended to work this way but aegon cannot connect into a block as he triggers unblockable the rest of the fight the moment he hits a champ once. This means his damage gets capped to around 20k a hit.

Do not bring Aegon !

I do hope no one else gets stuck into a similar position the next cycle of raids and I hope @Kabam Looks into the interaction with unblockable hits into a block for future content. Especially for content like this.


  • phillgreenphillgreen Member Posts: 4,345 ★★★★★
    Never done raids but if you wait out the furies and such does the first hit into block work as a normal strike?
  • champ9090champ9090 Member Posts: 95
    Yeah they tried to fix. Sounds like it's still messed up
  • NightheartNightheart Member Posts: 2,125 ★★★★
    Modok is bugged
  • Rayven5220Rayven5220 Member Posts: 2,574 ★★★★★
    Yup, Aegon was wrecking until I got to Modok.
    20-30k hits are great for everest health pools.
    Not so much for raids health pools though. 🤣
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