BGs Mess

@KabamDORK are we getting some sort of compensation for the mess BGs has been this last week? Most of my alliance teammates (who usually place in Mysterium) have completely given up and are just sitting down there in Uru 3 because of the loading time and reparry issues plaguing the game right now.
We were told the reparry issues were fixed asap yet it's been almost a week and it's still happening to some, loadiing times have been the worst part however, they have made the game mode absolutely unplayable from a competitive standpoint.
We were told the reparry issues were fixed asap yet it's been almost a week and it's still happening to some, loadiing times have been the worst part however, they have made the game mode absolutely unplayable from a competitive standpoint.
Compensation would of course be nice but I don’t really expect it.
I don't expect compensation either (just asking for the sake of asking at this point), especially when you have people sucking them off so hard for absolutely no reason, and no amount of logical arguments will change their minds.
since you’re ben apart of the for so long you should know that one fixes much time dose not fixed it and compensation can be talked about after things is being fixed
More importantly than that, updates have become a meme. We now expect each one to break something consequential to players, and the while there is a transition in player communications it still feels like there is a lack of consideration and consistency in following up on these things. There really needs to be a stronger action plan to address this, and it really should have an element that’s shared with the user base. I know it’s been a rough time in the office, but we aren’t being offered discounts while the product is inferior either, so it’s fair to expect higher standards in quality than we’ve seen in 2024.
For us f2p, the amount of trophy tokens we're potentially missing out on because of this RNG mess is a pretty big deal and detrimental to our progress. Not only that but the extra energy and elder marks we're being forced to waste to climb up because the match decided not to load in until 30 seconds later is just ridiculous.
Glad to see another person on this thread has a brain though, very few are actually thinking logically and giving logical responses. The game mode is broken and has been for a week, I agree, that part wasn't a question.
But a lot of the people "defending Kabam" etc are really just disagreeing with the extent and tone that some of you are expressing the issues.
It's similar to when people were screaming blue murder about Blade being in the Titan crystal, and then saying that he's completely useless and had no business being there in the first place. Then when people said "come on, he's not THAT bad, he can do x y and z" they were retaliated against for "defending" him and saying they're just being Kabam stooges, etc.
So from my perspective, the game is frustrating at times and there are some really annoying bugs and issues in the game; the GC meta (which I am in) adds a huge degree of randomness that sometimes makes a fight unwinnable and you're left just hoping that your opponent does worse than you; some of the long-standing bugs are extremely frustrating because of the harm they cause to legitimate strategies (i.e. attacking into the block) is horrendous.
But the extent and degree to which some of you are complaining is ridiculous and the people basically telling you to calm down have a valid point.
It harkens back to the days of 12.0 and the "boycott" which was an utterly pathetic notion that served no purpose other than making a few vocal individuals feel like they were accomplishing something when they were actually doing nothing of the sort.
The game has been frustrating, particularly of late, no arguments here - but let's put some perspective and a bit of benefit of the doubt into this. More than likely they're trying to figure out what's going wrong and either cannot find a solution, or at least one that doesn't cause further issues, and those claiming "just do x y z" need to realise that they don't have the slightest clue what they're talking about. I've worked in IT support my entire professional life and the percentage of times that a user has claimed that a solution must be incredibly simple and it actually was would be in the single digits.
Lost my 2 last games because of that. I'm done, thank you for nothing Kabam
Why can’t parry mastery be disabled until a full fix is implemented? They should communicate it, because it would be a far fairer solution than a little Dutch boy putting his finger in a dam that still allows it to happen.
Why are loading times so poor? Again it’s been a week, no communication until today
And if nothing is to be done to adequately address immediate pain points, then something should be offered for tolerating them.