Which 7 star to rank 3 next? Guardian or Hulk?

VIR4LVIR4L Member Posts: 5
I enjoy both champs and will have enough to Rank 3 only one of them soon who do you think is more useful at Rank 3 Guardian or Hulk?

Both are awakened, I can take Guardian to sig 60 with arcade event sig stones eventually both will go up but who should I pick first? Thanks for the help!

Which 7 star to rank 3 next? Guardian or Hulk? 19 votes

Lonley_potato123MarvelNoobNomis13 3 votes
PantherusNZ艾诺迪亚xakareeeSairam44Pureskilzz000captain_rogersTripleBDocWestRenaxqqRonSwansonmbgibsonchicaGrub88TheTrueElderEru_iLaaBomba69 16 votes
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