Victory shield issues

MaseMan707MaseMan707 Member Posts: 8
edited July 2024 in Bugs and Known Issues
Some sort of bug happened to me while playing battlegrounds just now. I was 1 win away from vibranium 1, and so I bought a victory shield to protect me from losing, and when I went to use it while queuing it said it was already being used without me telling it to, so naturally after playing that game I lost and it turns out the shield didn't activate of course!! There was no way to turn it on in the game either. Same thing happened next game when I purchased one and i lost so now I am 2 wins away from vibranium 1. I've been grinding for 7 hours for the 4 wins needed to get there (Not joking the matchmaking system keeps putting me against valiant players so it is extremely hard to rank up) now I am most likely not going to be able to get my first titan from the vibranium 1 rewards.. This is extremely annoying... Please fix your game kabam this is getting out of hand....


  • Asher1_1Asher1_1 Member Posts: 907 ★★★
    What do u mean u lost ?? Victory Shield doesn't guarantee you win it just prevents losing any +0 not -1
  • MaseMan707MaseMan707 Member Posts: 8
    Yeah I know, I am saying that it automatically said that it was turned on, and I lost and I still went down 1 even though it said it was active
  • SummonerNRSummonerNR Member, Guardian Posts: 13,797 Guardian
    So did you actually BUY 2 of them ?
    And didn’t have ANY in Treasury prior to that ?

    And (despite claims that game seemed to tell you you had “activated” one each time), did you STILL HAVE those 2 in Treasury after the matches ? (that would have indicated they were NOT Activated).

    (of which, they don’t just automatically activate themselves, even if you have to Purchase one instead of using some you already have, do they ???)

    Do you use them often ?
    Do you know what the screens looks like when you have activated one ?

    If you click on the bar that display Victory Shield usage on the MAIN BG screen, that is NOT where you have to Activate it from.

    You have to be in the next screens after having chosen whether you are using Energy vs Marks, and in that screen where you are saying “go ahead, find me a match”, that is where you use the Victory Bar status to enable it.
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