Coin Line completed event disappeared

I realize this is low priority, as yet another piece of tough content came out bugged per usual.. But the event is no longer in completed event tab, didn’t receive rank rewards. This another bug to add to the collection?
I don't even know what this event was.
I got the top 5% mail and was like wtf is this for.
Using Saga champ, bonus for using them in Side Quests.
Honestly, I didn’t realize there were Rank Rewards either until this thread (and got them in Mail a little while ago).
I thought Events with Rank Reaards typically had an extra button you could press in the Event Summary expanded area, that the current one doesn’t seem to have (but when you go into Milestones like, you can TAB over to Rank Rewards).
Sort of silly that there are Ranks (some Profile Pics and some monthly special Shards).
Like if a Daily Objective for doing 15 or 25 Parries or Dexterity/Evades were to have Ranked Rewards for doing something so basic.
**Anyways, even though the Event Ended and did NOT get moved over to “Completed” Tab (ie, Disappeared), we ARE still getting the Rank Rewards in Game Mail.