Rank Up Store Additions of Lower Level Resources?

AnmaelAnmael Member Posts: 78
Just wondering if there are any plans to/interest in adding some of the lower tier resources (T1A, T3B, T3C) to the Rank Up store. I am currently ranking up my 4 stars for Arena and I know you would get a lot of my units that way so I could move this along.

I am Paragon, and I would assume that the Rank Up store is progression based. If I were to guess, lower progression levels see some of these resources I am talking about and Valiant probably see some things I don't. It would be great if higher progressions can see everything for their level and lower, so we can upgrade our lower level champs for Arena, etc, without having to do low level dailies every day for weeks to make much progress on this.

Upside: You get more units from us:)

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