America Chavez (sig 20) or Onslaught (unduped) as next R3 7*?

Here are my current R3 7*’s. For context, I do not do AQ or AW. I do enough battlegrounds to get into gladiator circuit. I’m basically looking for the best choice for battlegrounds, end game content and end game long form content I.e. necropolis. Thanks for the help! 

America Chavez (sig 20) or Onslaught (unduped) as next R3 7*? 101 votes
Never mind, you’re right. I’m just bad at the game in general.
Also you wanna do Necropolis where onslaught can handle more fights than chavez.
This is coming from a guy who has r3 chavez.
Go with onslaught, you will never regret
Agreed, His value fell down after that sos event, But He is a great staller. Dude got like really long sp1 that literally takes like 7-10 seconds to complete and launch a another combo he is back to another sp1.
Can't go for sp2 cuz of reverse controls. Chip damage from neuroshocks, wierd AI can't parry turn off wp so we can't heal the chip damage from neuroshocks can't use one third of champs who are metal, who are skill, and who apply unavoidable energy dots. Crush is just the icing on the cake.
I agree Onslaught is not Bullseye or Serpent level threat, But he is certainly a Photon level threat.
If this was a poll between chavez and bullseye even I would've went with chavez. But this is between chavez and onslaught.
One side we have a 9/10 defender and 9/10 attacker, on the other we have a 7/10 defender and 10/10 attacker.
Also Op wants to do necro so Onslaught seems to be the better option.
Every champ has counters who can do them in 30 secs (Except maybe serpent). Onslaught is a top 5 defender and is generally a better champ overall than chavez.
You are just ignoring the two important needs of OP. He just reaches gc, and Onslaught is phenominal defender in VT. He also wanna do necropolis where onslaught shines really well. Onslaught is the best option for OP imho.
I agree with Chavez over Onslaught though