I need a rank down ticket for my 7* r3 prowler honestly PRAYING he magically gets a tune down(even tho he's not good enough for one) like shocker did and everyone gets a rank down ticket Can't believe I took him over guardian
I need a rank down ticket for my 7* r3 prowler honestly PRAYING he magically gets a tune down(even tho he's not good enough for one) like shocker did and everyone gets a rank down ticket Can't believe I took him over guardian
Prowler's really good champ, I like using Prowler more than Guardian.
Many hero double with seven star, so i want rank down it, bro
Nah this is so low if anything I learned is all this champion can be use stil and there is a lot of points in arena even if you don’t do arena you might do in in a far far future
I need a rank down ticket for my 7* r3 prowler honestly PRAYING he magically gets a tune down(even tho he's not good enough for one) like shocker did and everyone gets a rank down ticket Can't believe I took him over guardian
Yea the thing is you won’t get a rank down ticket for prowlers regardless of a tune down or anything.
I need a rank down ticket for my 7* r3 prowler honestly PRAYING he magically gets a tune down(even tho he's not good enough for one) like shocker did and everyone gets a rank down ticket Can't believe I took him over guardian
Prowler's really good champ, I like using Prowler more than Guardian.
He's disappointing in comparison and considering what he was designed to be used for
I need a rank down ticket for my 7* r3 prowler honestly PRAYING he magically gets a tune down(even tho he's not good enough for one) like shocker did and everyone gets a rank down ticket Can't believe I took him over guardian
Or you can hope for tune up to prowler. I mean he need few changes and high sig to be good.
I need a rank down ticket for my 7* r3 prowler honestly PRAYING he magically gets a tune down(even tho he's not good enough for one) like shocker did and everyone gets a rank down ticket Can't believe I took him over guardian
Prowler's really good champ, I like using Prowler more than Guardian.
He's disappointing in comparison and considering what he was designed to be used for
While I agree he could use just a smidgen of a tune up. I don't think you're using him right if this is your consensus
I need a rank down ticket for my 7* r3 prowler honestly PRAYING he magically gets a tune down(even tho he's not good enough for one) like shocker did and everyone gets a rank down ticket Can't believe I took him over guardian
Or you can hope for tune up to prowler. I mean he need few changes and high sig to be good.
Idk, my r3 prowler destroys unduped. He is a very solid champion if played correctly.
I need a rank down ticket for my 7* r3 prowler honestly PRAYING he magically gets a tune down(even tho he's not good enough for one) like shocker did and everyone gets a rank down ticket Can't believe I took him over guardian
Morale of the story: Test champions before you rank them!!
I need a rank down ticket for my 7* r3 prowler honestly PRAYING he magically gets a tune down(even tho he's not good enough for one) like shocker did and everyone gets a rank down ticket Can't believe I took him over guardian
Prowler's really good champ, I like using Prowler more than Guardian.
He's disappointing in comparison and considering what he was designed to be used for
While I agree he could use just a smidgen of a tune up. I don't think you're using him right if this is your consensus
I'm using him correctly. He's really not hard to use. He just isn't a great damage dealer which is the only thing he was made for. No champion released this year has been "GREAT" offensively anyways. And I made a huge mistake taking him up honestly (it was my mistake and I'm taking full accountability for it). He's the best damage dealer released this year tho but they've all been weak compared to champions we got before. And considering my other option was "AWAKENED" guardian he's not good enough. Unawakened he's a lil disappointing
I need a rank down ticket for my 7* r3 prowler honestly PRAYING he magically gets a tune down(even tho he's not good enough for one) like shocker did and everyone gets a rank down ticket Can't believe I took him over guardian
Morale of the story: Test champions before you rank them!!
Indeed. I really just watched a couple videos on YouTube when I pulled him and was seeing "DECENT" results and just went with it. After I realized I made a mistake I went back and discovered every video had him AWAKENED and no video was playing him as a 7* unawakened. He was also my valiant gem and the super event was ending soon so I had to make the decision quickly so I could get the last day of valiant rewards. Definitely a huge mistake on my part
PRAYING he magically gets a tune down(even tho he's not good enough for one) like shocker did and everyone gets a rank down ticket
Can't believe I took him over guardian
Unawakened he's a lil disappointing
Definitely a huge mistake on my part