Summoner Sigil (Scarlet Witch)

Dude_ZeroDude_Zero Member Posts: 80
It's nice to get a 4 star Scarlet Witch from the summoner sigil but I think it would be better to switch out the champion you get from the sigil. Maybe every quarter we could get a different champion. Keep things interesting, you know?


  • BringPopcornBringPopcorn Member Posts: 7,197 ★★★★★
    Dude_Zero said:

    It's nice to get a 4 star Scarlet Witch from the summoner sigil but I think it would be better to switch out the champion you get from the sigil. Maybe every quarter we could get a different champion. Keep things interesting, you know?

    If they do that, how are you supposed to get the 7*? You can't get enough to buy it in 3 months...
  • Dude_ZeroDude_Zero Member Posts: 80
    I am not talking about the black market. I mean the 4 star SW you get from buying the sigil.
  • BringPopcornBringPopcorn Member Posts: 7,197 ★★★★★
    Dude_Zero said:

    I am not talking about the black market. I mean the 4 star SW you get from buying the sigil.

    And the black market is not linked to the sigil?
  • Dude_ZeroDude_Zero Member Posts: 80
    It is. I wasn't requesting to change the 6 and 7 star Scarlet Witch. I am well aware it would take a while to earn enough sigil credits to bag those. Just requesting to switch out the 4 star one with a different champ every once in a while.
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