BG node bug - VT

Hey ya'll - just checking to see if I missed something w/ the BG nodes. When you tap the node icon, on the left in blue for attacker buffs the title for enhanced soldiers - BGs is there, with no text. It should be "100% chance to activate True Strike when intercepting the opponent's Dash." It doesn't seem to be working either - is this a bug or what's going on?? Was working as intended yesterday or such and I'm still in VT (Vibr V).


  • OpxOpx Member Posts: 144
    I don't know why, but even before the 48h BG objectives were restored, True Strike was there. But as the targets reset, the True Strike nod disappeared.
  • WeaponX2112WeaponX2112 Member Posts: 45
    Watching a livestream that had the same issue and it seemed to be resolved after restarting the game.
  • infektedmushroominfektedmushroom Member Posts: 10
    I tested it on my older device (Android vs. iPhone) earlier and it wasn't working. Restarted my device too - but NOW the text is there. So, assuming it's been fixed. :)
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