Coin Line 7-Day Event Cut-Off

DaywalkerXDaywalkerX Member Posts: 525 ★★★
Does anybody know what the cut-off was for the Top 1% to 5% in the first three Coin Line 7-Day Events? I'm currently on 5,360 points with 56 hours left on the clock.

I know the rank rewards are not amazing, but I have the Guardian and Weapon X profile pics, and would like to get the Sabretooth and Sasquatch profile pics as well. Just for the collection.

I also wouldn't mind another 4,000 Hairballs and Oddballs Crystal Shards. Still chasing 6* versions of Wiccan, Falcon, White Tiger, Wolverine, Hulkling, iHulk, Sersi, Abomination, Wolverine (X-23) and Red Skull. I know the drop rates for a 6* are pretty slim (only 7.5%), but a guy can hope. (I've been playing MCOC for 7 years, and finally managed to pull a 5* Wolverine from the Hairballs and Oddballs Crystal, so maybe... just maybe... RNG luck will be on my side with the last two Crystals.)


  • Justcause102Justcause102 Member Posts: 160
    You should be good with 5K
  • DaywalkerXDaywalkerX Member Posts: 525 ★★★
    Appreciate the feedback, @Justcause102 ... I'm currently sitting at 10,330 points with some grind time still left. I'll drop an update once the dust settles with my final points, overall rank, and if I hit that sweet Top 1% - 5%. I'll also mention if I pull any of those "elusive" 6* champs from the 2 Hairballs and Oddballs Crystals. RNG gods, be kind!
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