Raid low damage
Member Posts: 1,283 ★★★★
Why is my damage so bad? This happened a few times now and I’m not sure why. I did 1% damage on 133 hits.
First fight with no charges at all, I took guardian down to 89%. Next fight I hit like a noodle I don’t get it.
Edit: It's the orange passive to the far left right next to your portrait
Only other thing I don’t get referring to the 1st picture is that I have the undermine passive, so why no role force? (The node says if I gain a role force I get undermine passive)
Guardian with hulkling 9 straight, role force active (2nd fight - easier mission)
Medusa with hulkling 4 straight role force, then it seemed to alternate every other fight (1st fight - tougher mission)
My only guess was in the time it took me to complete the first mission. Without a tactical charge, if I was slow I think it didn’t activate. Medusa notorious for only asking for MM matches making it very slow.
Guardian is generally easy to line up 50 fervor in whatever time, and I consistently get role force going alone.