Not sure what to do now

So I opened both my crucible crystals and pulled a Man-Thing and a Wags. Definitely happy with the Man-Thing and I’m decently happy with Wags but I didn’t get my most wanted (P2099) so I’m still left a little disappointed.
We get a guaranteed champ of our choice with the token things and I would’ve 100% picked P2099 if I got him from the rewards here and taken him straight to r3, but now I don’t know if I’ll be able to get him awakened for a while if I do pick him
Not sure if there are any additional reunion crystals up for grabs that don’t involve money but I’m trying to do a little planning ahead. What do y’all think? Man-Thing is still a good defender and the 7* juice along with him negating crits and stalling can be really useful. Might actually r3 him for the fun of it but I also want P2099. His awakened ability is nice to have since he starts with battery but ik he’s still good without it
We get a guaranteed champ of our choice with the token things and I would’ve 100% picked P2099 if I got him from the rewards here and taken him straight to r3, but now I don’t know if I’ll be able to get him awakened for a while if I do pick him
Not sure if there are any additional reunion crystals up for grabs that don’t involve money but I’m trying to do a little planning ahead. What do y’all think? Man-Thing is still a good defender and the 7* juice along with him negating crits and stalling can be really useful. Might actually r3 him for the fun of it but I also want P2099. His awakened ability is nice to have since he starts with battery but ik he’s still good without it
I thought you like other people weren't sure about how good he was unawakened so that's why I said he's still great with or without it.
I think I’ve decided to take P2099 anyway since I’m sure awakening gems will come at some point. Honestly wouldn’t mind if they released a unit deal for a reunion awakening gem or something lol. I’d take it just for him. I’ll just r2 MT for now