Menu UI, better or worse than before?

You should comment in the other thread, this is just for a poll.
Menu UI, better or worse than before? 147 votes
28 votes
119 votes
also, claim all button should be added since they revamped it
For example I have all blue circles for Higher Further Faster but there is still a milestone to go. It should always show a gray circle if you're incomplete.
- hide the artwork & how to section
I could get behind it if it actually looked substantially better, but it does not even accomplish that.
it says expired now for events that just ended instead of showing the timer, big miss
just bring back the daily super event and none of this will even matter if y'all wanna update
TL:DR - this UI needs improved UI features like more visible timers that are about to expire, sorting and filtering, and larger claiming buttons. Ideally even a “claim all” button for each event.