My 9 revive Legendary Crucible run - Part 2

Grootman1294Grootman1294 Member Posts: 975 ★★★★
Welp, here it is, my second and final path in the Crucible. As a quick reminder from my last post, I set a challenge for myself to try and complete this with a unique champ on every single fight (so 66 different champs are required), and let's just say this is where it started to bite me a little bit...

Mastery setups and my initial stash are in my previous post, so go check that out here:

And I think that covers the basic gist! Time to take down Superior Kang!

Fight: Red Goblin
My pick: 7* R1 unduped chavez, 4* iron fist relic
Revives: 0

Pretty easy fight, only thing is that if you apply debuffs he starts getting a bunch of fury buffs which can definitely hurt if the fight goes too long. Luckily chavez gets even more damage per buff on roblin so this was a piece of cake.

Fight: OG Ultron
My pick: 7* R1 unduped aarkuks, no relic
Revives: 0

This one can be tricky because of the evade, but someone with a good crit rate can turn the unblockable off. Aarkus completely trashes this fight because he can armor break, power lock with armor shatter and also counter evade with the coldsnap.

Fight: Taskmaster
My pick: 7* R1 sig 20 maw, no relic
Revives: 0 (barely)

Was hoping to maw cheese this one, but for some reason at the start of the fight taskmaster comboed me even though he has guaranteed crits and I didn't dex at all. Ended up having to play normally and try to just force my way through it. I probably just messed something up somehow, but bring a crit heavy champ just to be safe.

Fight: Immortal Hulk
My pick: 6* R4 sig 200 mole man, 5* BP relic
Revives: 0

Not a hard fight outside of do not go gentle. Mole man can get free intercepts via his unstoppable so that makes this fight really easy.

Fight: CGR
My pick: 7* R1 sig 20 blade, no relic
Revives: 0

CGR is a dimensional being, so danger sense completely turns him off. He is bleed immune so it does take a while though. Bring in any non-villain and you'll be fine.

Fight: OML
My pick: 6* R4 sig 40 og iron man, 3* vision relic
Revives: 0

Watch out for the falter every 10 combo. That's literally it.

Fight: Spider Ham
My pick: 7* R1 unduped jabari, no relic
Revives: 1

Evade counters destroy this guy. Used Jabari since she can cleanse the power stings and also reduces evade chance via the sp1. Even with the occasional bleed immunity she can work well here. Forgot about his sig ability and threw a special right before cleanse removed it so I got rekt once, should have been a solo here.

Fight: Stark Spidey
My pick: 7* R1 sig 60 red goblin, no relic
Revives: 0

Bit of a tricky one because of the unblockable, but intercepting or just waiting it out works well. Roblin counters the evade which makes this fight much easier. Any evade counter can work here.

Fight: Stealth Spidey
My pick: 6* R4 sig 200 ascended kate, no relic
Revives: 0

Stealthy has tenacity so no debuffs for this one. Watch out for his evade and true focus as well. With kate, get a foresight intercept, then apply the coldsnap and destroy him.

Fight: Doctor Strange
My pick: 6* R4 sig 160 og thor, no relic
Revives: 1

My little self-imposed challenge bit me in the ass here. Constant armor up, thorns while he has armor up, and inverted controls during specials made this one a pain. Only way I could get rid of the armors was to stun and even then the damage just wasn't enough to push through fast enough. Bring a nullify or a more consistent armor break champion for a better time.

Fight: Symbiote Supreme
My pick: 7* R2 unduped negative, 4* cap relic
Revives: 0

This one is easy with a nullify or buff immune. With negative, disable the protection with your sp2 to maximize the degen damage and be aware you can't modify his power gain with petrify. Try to push to sp2 when possible so that you can find opportunities to counter evade.

Fight: Sorcerer Supreme
My pick: 6* R3 sig 100 miles, no relic
Revives: 0

Miles cheeses this fight. Once you get into the fight SS is always unblockable so just spam heavy in the corner and cheese with your spider camo. Without miles, play around the unblockable and ideally bring someone with either armor break or stagger immunity.

Fight: Warlock
My pick: 6* R5 sig 200 ascended hulkling, 5* thor relic
Revives: 0

Nodes are not too difficult here, just play around them and bring a counter to warlock's infection (buff heavy champs, power drain immune champs) and you'll be fine.

Fight: Elsa
My pick: 6* R4 sig 120 ascended toad, 6* wolverine relic
Revives: 0

With toad, tenacity is your friend since you can convert your poison debuffs to passives easily. Spam sp1 to keep your prowess and poisons up and watch out for the evade. With anyone else, bring a prowess champ or play around the unstoppable and you'll be fine.

Fight: Cable
My pick: 6* R5 sig 200 ascended nimrod, 4* goblin relic
Revives: 0

Nimrod removes cable's regen so that takes care of the unblockable. Mind his power gain and you'll be fine. Nullify champs are also great to bring here

Fight: 7.3 Kang
My pick: 7* R2 sig 20 hyperion, 4* gamora relic
Revives: 1

Any champion with some form of power gain will make the final phase ridiculously easy. In the other phases, throw the corresponding special based on his prompt or have that same number of power bars to get charges and wound him. Messed up a special evade so I died once here.

Fight: Darkhawk
My pick: 7* R1 sig 20 deathless KG, no relic
Revives: 0

Buff synthesis makes this a cakewalk with KG since you can convert your furies to permanent prowess and just nuke with sp2. Other champs with fury or prowess will also have a very fun time here.

Fight: Ultron
My pick: 6* R4 unduped wolf, no relic
Revives: 0

Any good damage dealer who doesn't constantly nullify his buffs can do well here. Remove the protection by knocking him down and mind the evade. Nothing too difficult here.

Fight: Guilly 2099
My pick: 6* R5 sig 40 ascended scorpion, 6* ant man relic
Revives: 0

Bring a shock champion (or a tech with consistent power drain, burn or lock) or you're starting again. Very easy fight otherwise.

Fight: Crossbones
My pick: 7* R3 unduped onslaught, 6* sinister relic
Revives: 0

Do not bring nullify champs or you are starting over. Mind the unblockable and the shock on the block, as well as crossbones' purify. Onslaught counters purify and is fully shock resistant so this was an easy one.

Fight: Sabretooth
My pick: 7* R2 sig 60 guilly 2099, 5* vision relic
Revives: 0

Sabretooth gets a 1000% fury on his specials, however the block damage wasn't too scary. Just don't get hit and be on point with your parries and you'll be fine. Anyone who can mitigate his regen will have a nice time here.

Fight: Yellowjacket
My pick: 6* R4 sig 100 ascended fury, no relic
Revives: 0

This one can be tricky. Spam heavy attacks, bait his specials, and watch out for encroaching stun. Stun immunity is a highly recommended asset here. I killed off the decoy nick straight away and was still able to comfortably solo this one.

Fight: Mangog
My pick: 7* r2 sig 40 korg, 4* valk relic (no I'm not kidding)
Revives: 1

Another time my self-imposed unique champion challenge came back to bite me. Korg has fairly easy access to unstoppable with his crowd excitement, but even with that the damage is still very sluggish since mangog is armor break immune. On top of that if you let mangog go unstoppable from fight or flight he will very likely corner you and ruin your day, which is exactly what happened to me. Bring a slow or nullify champ for a much better time here.

Fight: King Groot
My pick: 6* R4 sig 60 gladiator, no relic
Revives: 1

Gladiator has a ridiculous amount of buffs so he can counter apex predators very easily. However, KG's prowess and power gain can still destroy you if he gets an sp2. Bait sp1 as much as possible, and try to deal as much damage as you can. Messed up a few times so I died once here.

Fight: Purgatory
My pick: 6* R4 sig 80 torch, no relic
Revives: 0

Bring a power sting champion or you are very likely screwed. I used prefight with torch to get the power stings and deal a ridiculous amount of damage here. This one's a bit more niche but very easy if you have a counter.

Fight: Annihilus
My pick: 6* R5 sig 200 ascended doom, 4* SW relic
Revives: 0

Doom completely counters annihilus so this one is a cakewalk. Bring a slow or nullify champ, mind the Odometer and it's smooth sailing.

Fight: Mojo
My pick: 7* R1 sig 20 morbius, no relic
Revives: 0

Mojo's anti life field can remove your fervor buff after you glide with morbius and thus degen you, but you can transfer it back by knocking him down. Try not to complete the prompts and mind the oscillate node and this one isn't too bad.

Fight: Super Skrull
My pick: 6* R4 sig 200 mojo, 5* GR relic
Revives: 0

Not a bad one with mojo, try not to stun him and keep your anti life field up and you'll degen this skrull to death. Due to skrull's power gain and his dangerous sp2 I honestly find it easier to play around bullet time and just nuke him down instead.

Fight: Killmonger
My pick: 6* R5 sig 200 ascended CGR, 6* thor relic
Revives: 1

Power shield allows you to nuke this killmonger, however I forgot about redoubled determination and paid the price via a nasty sp3. Any champion can counter his reverb via parrying so this one can be done easily with most champs.

Fight: Mr. Negative
My pick: 6* R5 sig 200 ascended fantman, 5* goblin relic
Revives: 0

Any incinerate immune or bleed champ can shut this guy down provided you watch his basic attack prompt. Do keep in mind that you will likely take a lot of dark damage from special burst lockdown so be ready for that. Bit sketchy, but definitely soloable.

Fight: Namor
My pick: 7* R2 unduped dragon man, 4* iron fist relic
Revives: 0

Bring a biohazard counter or you are starting again. Mind the degen timer but don't worry too much if you eat it since the damage isn't too terrible on a 7* R2. Not bad at all.

Fight: Superior Kang
My pick: 6* R5 sig 120 ascended kingpin, 6* BP relic
Revives: 0 (yes I somehow soloed this one)

Watch his counter attacks, don't use the same opening twice in a row (this becomes the same 2 openings in phase 3 and after) and you'll get through this one cheap. It's nothing we haven't seen before so review his abilities before going in if you need to.

And that's it for the Crucible! As you probably have seen, most of my revives came from either silly mistakes or my self-imposed challenge limiting my roster choices, if you take this seriously and play well I reckon it can absolutely be done without revives. Definitely a fun challenge and I hope kabam does something like this again later!

The Final Cost
No units (yippee yahoo)
9 L2 revives (3 on path 1, 6 on path 2), still got 3 in the stash that will likely expire so my little champion challenge didn't really solve my stash problem lol
Around 60 total L3 potions and 12 L4 potions on both paths, didn't even need my free crystal stash for this one so that's good
A few of the big 1 hour boosts for path 1, went unboosted on path 2
A decent amount of time, think it took me around 4 hours to explore the whole quest.

The Rewards
Pulled Symbiote supreme for the first time from my titan. Been needing some serpent counters on my roster so I'll honestly take it.
Pulled Ihulk and Man thing from my reunion crystals. Big rip on those.
Don't have any good options for the 2-3 and 1-2 generic gems, so that's being saved for the next broken champ I get.
Got 7* deathless vision from the store. Tried him out and he seems really mid so... Rip
Got some funny profile pics from the exploration objective so that's cool I guess
And of course, the best part of the rewards... the 10 L3 revives from the total path rewards. Gonna save those for the next big everest challenge when it inevitably comes around.

Final Thoughts
1. I think my little challenge (let's just call it The 66 Champion Challenge) is cool, but I would really only recommend it to people with a really developed roster or people who just have revives to blow (like me). Reckon most people will want to do this normally so don't be afraid to bring in the same champs on different paths!
2. USE A SPREADSHEET. Said this on the last post but I will say it again. It will make organizing this piece of content so much easier.
3. Path 2 is a bit more difficult than path 1 imo. Most of the 7.3 and 7.4 bosses are typically more difficult plus you have both kangs to deal with as well. Have a decent stash just in case things do go wrong.

And with that it's back to hibernation until the next piece of everest content. Hope this helped everyone!


  • DerpyEagleDerpyEagle Member Posts: 775 ★★★★
    Just finished my two runs.....7* wags and misty night(love wags pissed about misty) and I’m holding the titan. This challenge does take a long frickin time. My runs were like 15 revives each. I used sim iron man for 7.4 kang he nuked lol. I did enjoy the challenge tho
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