Option to turn off new Events UI
It's simple. Consider this a "beta" addition ans allow users to turn off this nonsense and switch back to the old UI. From a professional in the field, we suddenly have a side nav tray when the rest of the game uses one nowhere, so now we're learning 3-4 menu interactions. Titles too small, nav too big. All events is useless. Huge waste of space on the right. Distracting graphics on each event block when and again titles are way too small. I don't understand the progression counter. Timers small and in a bad spot. Did I mention the titles are too small? I'm sorry to the designer that spent hours working on this and for the testing team that did not provide a proper test with feedback. If there's any openings for this position or an art director to help this person out please let me know.
@BigBlueOx I also only claim from stash now, I can't even look at it, never mind navigate it & claim from it. It's ugly & breaks UI design, if this is a taste of the UI design future then kill it with fire! We definitely do not want this. I don't even like the original one but it's miles better than this.
Pay the individuals that coded this to fix bugs instead 😄
Also, the events should be in order of sooner expiration to later, but it's just all over the place.
I'd be much happier with the older version... there was nothing wrong with it in the first place.