spring of sorrow bug i missed rewards (i miss deathless vision 7 star pcs and other stuff)

i have complete 3 i times SOS with different champions but still not clamed 2017,2018,2019 & 2020 champions' reward clam in sos so miss my reward so @KabamDORK @kabam please check this after we are suffering for clam SOS event point clam and all the rewards so please we need to this rewards for more 7* star champion upgrade not any other event to give this reward its long waiting and long time to complete this event for rewards for clamming in this SOS event so much revive gone, please give better compensation to help our 7* star champion to update.
and 4th time serpent, herc, and odin
All those 3 qualified for that “newer years” one.
Hopefully you didn’t do a different one as well beforehand for 2021-2024.
SHOCKER (2023)
I did not receive 2 pints of (2017,2018,2019 & 2020) and (2021,2022,2023 &2024)
i missed rewards (deathless vision 7-star pcs and other stuff)