Because he never dips below a core charge of 40, the Petrify actually has a functional Potency of 70-100%, and stacks with the additional healing rate reduction of 40-100%.
So the underwhelming "50% Petrify" actually always reverses healing; since the total healing reduction is 110-200% whilst Petrify is up.
Add in the Energy Resistance and the Unblockable reduction... Not a bad choice for this fight, if you've got him ranked.
And power gain was no problem because.....
Because he never dips below a core charge of 40, the Petrify actually has a functional Potency of 70-100%, and stacks with the additional healing rate reduction of 40-100%.
So the underwhelming "50% Petrify" actually always reverses healing; since the total healing reduction is 110-200% whilst Petrify is up.
Add in the Energy Resistance and the Unblockable reduction... Not a bad choice for this fight, if you've got him ranked.