AW Rewards

This game has a big problem. The big rewards are hidden behind prestige walls [Raids] and farming points in BG up to a ridiculous point. Iam playing in a Top 5 AW Alliance and those rewards are extremely weak. Also AW was always the mode that got reward buffs late. This mode is competitive, important and we have to invest a lot of time, sweat and effort to play on certain levels [including a big amount if items and units]. So I don't understand why this mode gives you the weakest rewards?
I can't see in any way AW rewards in top are weak .
BGs top also requires time ,sweat & efforts .BGs is most competitive even more than AW as it's an individual mode than alliance.
Example: Plat 6 finishers should be claiming current Plat 4 rewards. Plat 4 finishers should be claiming Plat 2 rewards, and so on for each level.
This might breath new life into the mode temporarily? Or at least a common ground until a satisfactory/valid rewards system is injected.
I give you some comparison: If you reach #1 in AW you will get 1 A4 catalyst. In Raids and BGs you will get much more A4 Catalysts for reaching #1. The rewards are uneven. Also AW is the most expensive mode.
Expensive + more stressful so more engagement in BGs so More player are playing BGs so there rewards are better 🤷
Also kabam knows about this problem. That is the reason why they will update rewards. So there is no point in discussing. My point is that they are boosting AW rewards too late always.
What needs a bigger tuneup than aw high tier rewards, is bg gc rewards. It's just total bs you have to enter mysterium just to get like 1k shards we really need a strong tune up on that one
Also I'm pretty sures most master ally players are whales as well. So that spending arguement is invalid
For BG u need to spend almost 2k+ units to be in good BG alliance where min cutoff is 550k or 600k
That's expensive unless u just throw money then nothing is expensive 🤷🤷