AW Rewards

BloodyCrueltyBloodyCruelty Member Posts: 260 ★★
This game has a big problem. The big rewards are hidden behind prestige walls [Raids] and farming points in BG up to a ridiculous point. Iam playing in a Top 5 AW Alliance and those rewards are extremely weak. Also AW was always the mode that got reward buffs late. This mode is competitive, important and we have to invest a lot of time, sweat and effort to play on certain levels [including a big amount if items and units]. So I don't understand why this mode gives you the weakest rewards?


  • Asher1_1Asher1_1 Member Posts: 890 ★★★
    Aw matchmaking will be based on Something. Now it's Prestige if u replace that u will have the same problem with the other thing🤷.

    I can't see in any way AW rewards in top are weak .

    BGs top also requires time ,sweat & efforts .BGs is most competitive even more than AW as it's an individual mode than alliance.
  • ThePowerCosmicThePowerCosmic Member Posts: 154
    Asher1_1 said:

    Aw matchmaking will be based on Something. Now it's Prestige if u replace that u will have the same problem with the other thing🤷.

    I can't see in any way AW rewards in top are weak .

    BGs top also requires time ,sweat & efforts .BGs is most competitive even more than AW as it's an individual mode than alliance.

    So you don't prefer better AW rewards? I'm confused cuz they suck for all the effort of organizing, managing, and fighting, it's a chore for most, battlegrounds are at least fun with decent rewards. AW is the most important alliance mode and the rewards absolutely need a HUGE buff.
  • Ayden_noah1Ayden_noah1 Member Posts: 2,133 ★★★★
    If you play in a top 5 AW alliance, I can't see Raids and BG being an issue for you. You can do all three very easily. The top 5 rewards are pretty good from what I can see. I would never argue against more rewards for doing content so I'm not against it. What would you like to have more of? What do you think it's fair to add more off or new in general. Ranting doesn't do much but constructive criticism works better.
  • CavemanOOGCavemanOOG Member Posts: 38
    Not to mention... 99.99% of us are NOT in a top 5 ally. I haven't gotten a reward worth getting from war for YEARS. We get gold 2/3 and it might as well be a premium hero crystal.
  • BoonecooneyBoonecooney Member Posts: 89
    Buff/Upgrade the top 2 levels of AW rewards, and then drop all the current reward rankings down a couple levels.
    Example: Plat 6 finishers should be claiming current Plat 4 rewards. Plat 4 finishers should be claiming Plat 2 rewards, and so on for each level.
    This might breath new life into the mode temporarily? Or at least a common ground until a satisfactory/valid rewards system is injected.
  • BloodyCrueltyBloodyCruelty Member Posts: 260 ★★
    @Asher1_1 No I just said that at the moment the good rewards are behind a big prestige wall and farming BG points. BG is also very ridiculous. So the big rewards don't come from competitive sweating [By the way it doesn't matter if you lose or not just play another round] The Big rewards in BG are coming from farming lower players and do 1000000 points for the alliance.

    I give you some comparison: If you reach #1 in AW you will get 1 A4 catalyst. In Raids and BGs you will get much more A4 Catalysts for reaching #1. The rewards are uneven. Also AW is the most expensive mode.
  • BloodyCrueltyBloodyCruelty Member Posts: 260 ★★
    @Ayden_noah1 No of course Raids and BG is not a problem for me lol. But you will have to play with a prestige of 26k+ to get good Raids rewards. So with less the alliance wont take you. Also there is almost no alliance that plays all game mode at top rewards. And if you want that you will have to spend A LOT of money to reach BG points and Prestige. So with less money or free2play you will have to decide between the game modes most of the time. [There is no Top AW and Top BG alliance at the moment that doesnt also focus on prestige]
  • Asher1_1Asher1_1 Member Posts: 890 ★★★

    @Asher1_1 No I just said that at the moment the good rewards are behind a big prestige wall and farming BG points. BG is also very ridiculous. So the big rewards don't come from competitive sweating [By the way it doesn't matter if you lose or not just play another round] The Big rewards in BG are coming from farming lower players and do 1000000 points for the alliance.

    I give you some comparison: If you reach #1 in AW you will get 1 A4 catalyst. In Raids and BGs you will get much more A4 Catalysts for reaching #1. The rewards are uneven. Also AW is the most expensive mode.

    That's why many new Alliance formed who are BG focused & not AW focused because people rank champ based on BGs now now for War. 🤷🤷.

    Expensive + more stressful so more engagement in BGs so More player are playing BGs so there rewards are better 🤷
  • BloodyCrueltyBloodyCruelty Member Posts: 260 ★★
    @Asher1_1 I doubt that you ever played really high masters AW sorry. But I think you underestimate it lol.

    Also kabam knows about this problem. That is the reason why they will update rewards. So there is no point in discussing. My point is that they are boosting AW rewards too late always.
  • BloodyCrueltyBloodyCruelty Member Posts: 260 ★★
    Masters AW is another level of stress effort and planning and preparing many many hours
  • BloodyCrueltyBloodyCruelty Member Posts: 260 ★★
    @Asher1_1 I also don't understand how you came to the conclusion that BG is more stressfull and expensive lol. I am competing at the top of both and I can tell you that AW is extremely expensive while BG is really not. I spent 2000 Units and Like 1000000 Loyalty this season. Not to mention a ton of boosts. So no, BG is not even close. Also the stress is way higher. Your messages are showing me that you don't compete in high tier AW
  • captain_rogerscaptain_rogers Member Posts: 11,686 ★★★★★
    edited August 2024
    I believe tuning certain rewards are fine, like more t4a and titan shards. But again aw rewards is for all 30 players in the alliance, so they can't make it insanely good like solo rewards.

    What needs a bigger tuneup than aw high tier rewards, is bg gc rewards. It's just total bs you have to enter mysterium just to get like 1k shards we really need a strong tune up on that one
  • Dfraga71388Dfraga71388 Member Posts: 103
    The AW rewards are definitely pretty weak for the amount of planning and effort it takes. EQ should be buffed as well, or add in a harder difficulty for more 7* shards and T4A frags.
  • BloodyCrueltyBloodyCruelty Member Posts: 260 ★★
    @captain_rogers no you are wrong. The best BG rewards are also the ones for 30 players. The raids rewards are also for 30 players. Both are much better. This is not a discussion about buffing rewards. It is a discussion about buffing AW rewards earlier. AW is always the mode with a late buff. Kabam knows this because for Raids and BG players spend more money on rankups and prestige
  • captain_rogerscaptain_rogers Member Posts: 11,686 ★★★★★
    Your entire post is about complaining and not solution. You haven't stated what exactly you want. You want more titan shards? More t4a? Thr current master rewards seems alright for me. Y'all are getting a 7* SW as well. I'll say the 7* shards(loyalty tokens) are little for the effort but everything else look good.
    Also I'm pretty sures most master ally players are whales as well. So that spending arguement is invalid
  • BloodyCrueltyBloodyCruelty Member Posts: 260 ★★
    @captain_rogers It sounds like you dont know much about masters. Half of the masters players are free2play tbf. You don't understand my point. I will explain again: KABAM ALSO KNOWS THAT AW REWARDS ARE WEAK BECAUSE THEY DIDN'T BUFF THEM. OTHER ALLIANCE MODES PROVIDE MORE REWARDS FOR EXAMPLE A4 AND TITAN SHARDS. My point is that they should buff AW rewards earlier and not 3 months after the other modes. Also if you knew about the work and effort in masters you wouldnt think that those rewards are good. Kabam decides to buff AW late because they know that the players will spend the most money for prestige and BG champs.
  • Asher1_1Asher1_1 Member Posts: 890 ★★★

    @Asher1_1 I also don't understand how you came to the conclusion that BG is more stressfull and expensive lol. I am competing at the top of both and I can tell you that AW is extremely expensive while BG is really not. I spent 2000 Units and Like 1000000 Loyalty this season. Not to mention a ton of boosts. So no, BG is not even close. Also the stress is way higher. Your messages are showing me that you don't compete in high tier AW

    Yeah I don't because I am a free2play player .so when AW rewards are not great I know someone like you wasted there money and came to complain 😄😄.

    For BG u need to spend almost 2k+ units to be in good BG alliance where min cutoff is 550k or 600k
    That's expensive unless u just throw money then nothing is expensive 🤷🤷
  • BloodyCrueltyBloodyCruelty Member Posts: 260 ★★
    @Asher1_1 so first of all many Masters players are free2play I didn't throw money. And no you dont need to spend units for 550 or 600k😂😂😂 Also this score wont give you good rewards. The good rewards start at 25000000-30000000 points. It is just stupid farming. Also you didn't understand my point. Kabam will buff the rewards. But my point is that they are doing this too late always
  • BloodyCrueltyBloodyCruelty Member Posts: 260 ★★
    You clearly dont know **** about high tiers and balancing. I am talking about problems everybody knows about. So just dont text when you dont understand
  • captain_rogerscaptain_rogers Member Posts: 11,686 ★★★★★
    You got what you wanted it seems
  • Asher1_1Asher1_1 Member Posts: 890 ★★★

    @Asher1_1 so first of all many Masters players are free2play I didn't throw money. And no you dont need to spend units for 550 or 600k😂😂😂 Also this score wont give you good rewards. The good rewards start at 25000000-30000000 points. It is just stupid farming. Also you didn't understand my point. Kabam will buff the rewards. But my point is that they are doing this too late always

    Ohh tell me some accounts who are free2play in top tier LOL
  • Asher1_1Asher1_1 Member Posts: 890 ★★★

    You clearly dont know **** about high tiers and balancing. I am talking about problems everybody knows about. So just dont text when you dont understand

    Your comment and someone commenting act 6 is hard are the same as they see others are getting good rewards . Both are just whining 😄
  • BloodyCrueltyBloodyCruelty Member Posts: 260 ★★
    @Asher1_1 80% of my alliance is free2play. And as you can see I got the buff I wanted noob
  • Asher1_1Asher1_1 Member Posts: 890 ★★★

    @Asher1_1 80% of my alliance is free2play. And as you can see I got the buff I wanted noob

    So do they have any work or not. It's only possible if they grind Arena every single round to keep up the spending side 🤷
  • BloodyCrueltyBloodyCruelty Member Posts: 260 ★★
    @Asher1_1 yes arena grind in the evening and you sre not allowed to level up without officers consent. Only then free2play. Also it is just 1000 units for 10×30% boosts and 500-1000 units for mastery switches. So not that expensive. Nobody would buy units for war lol
  • Asher1_1Asher1_1 Member Posts: 890 ★★★
    Free2play and not allowed to level up your choice 💀☠️☠️ that's 2000 units - saying like it's easy to get lol 😆😆
  • BloodyCrueltyBloodyCruelty Member Posts: 260 ★★
    It is a sacrifice yes😅 Also with a good account you can grind over 1k Units/week that is not a big deal @Asher1_1 anyway I wish you good luck and fun next seasons, this comment section is dead now
  • Asher1_1Asher1_1 Member Posts: 890 ★★★
    Grind & Sacrifice - that's not what u say to anyone who want to play a game 🤣
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