Champ stuck in war

MattcoxMattcox Member Posts: 79
Went to join attack phase and one of my knull I use for attack shows it’s already in war and I’ve tried to restart the game several times and it’s not releasing him


  • Cap_MuricaCap_Murica Member Posts: 569 ★★★
    You've probably placed him as a defender in a different tier map.
  • MattcoxMattcox Member Posts: 79
    Nope I have the 7* version as a defender and haven’t changed my defenders since the season started
  • SummonerNRSummonerNR Member, Guardian Posts: 13,787 Guardian
    They mean, you know the 3 different potential +/- Up-Down War Tier Maps.
    Where you could potentially have 15 different defenders across all 3 of those Defense Tier Maps.

    Is the other Knull stuck on one the Tier Maps that is not your “Current” tier, so forgot that he is still in one of the other defense Tiers ?
  • MattcoxMattcox Member Posts: 79
    I knew what he meant and no I’ve been using him on attack all season long and I haven’t changed my defense. I also just used him on attack the last war
  • SummonerNRSummonerNR Member, Guardian Posts: 13,787 Guardian
    Contact Support, they can free him up (or at least say where he is)
  • MattcoxMattcox Member Posts: 79
    Already did but haven’t heard anything thought I’d try here too see if an admin was on the forums during the weekend and could help
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