Destroyer destroyed again all objectives cleared

All 3 times I soloed the fight I used Scorpion for Villain objective,Used Chavez for no more heroes i used blue dimensions to reverse his power gain and Hulk for defensive tank. I messed up a bit in scorpion fight because I was trying to put torment debuffs and Destroyer dashed at me quickly and took hits to the face. For me easiest objective was hero defensive tank and Hulk was too much fun to use. All objectives cleared this fight ain't too bad I had lot of fun.

Honestly i was shocked about how much sassy damage is. He is a pretty cool champ for this objective but not safer then other options as your most likely to get ko’ed by the power gain. Still done it in one revive so not much wasted.
I did not have good enough for both hero objectives, and it took me 3-4 revives, it could've been less, but i was prepared to do with more, so I'm happy.