Which paths of abyss have you done already?Do you want to do the whole path with spideys or stop after GG? Also what path would you want to do with carina challengers? Have you done the mutant one?
I documented my abyss runs, can provide detailled infos tomorrow and champ suggestions
Which paths of abyss have you done already?Do you want to do the whole path with spideys or stop after GG? Also what path would you want to do with carina challengers? Have you done the mutant one?
I documented my abyss runs, can provide detailled infos tomorrow and champ suggestions
Did Path 1 first in 2021, was a real pain and took forever, don't remember the champs exactly but 5* Aegon did most fights
Path 2 was a year later, i think Magneto did some fights there too, after that i didn't want to explore more paths for a while
After Carina Challenges Vol 2 came out many players combined them with unexplored paths which was also my idea
So in Feb 2024 i did path 5 with only Mutants Magneto 6* R4 sig80 Apocalypse 6* R4 sig80 White Magneto 6* only for prefight collector Cable 6* R3 sig20 Stryfe 7* R2
So after the first 4 fights (IMIW - Magneto; IW and Hulk Ragnarok - Apocalypse; YJ - Magneto) i made Stryfe a horseman and he did almost all of the rest of the fights, many solos, the only exeptions were Thing and Bishop where i used cable and Cable where i used Magneto All in all 33 revives and one team revive, while 12 revives were collector alone
I did the Spidey/Symbiote one next a couple of weeks later after farming some revives took a short route with only 12 fights because i was going to stop after GG Anti-Venom 6* R4 sig40 Sym Supreme 6*R4 Knull 7*R1 Mysterio 7*R1 sig20 Peni Parker 6*R4 sig80
Took me 38 revives and was glad it was over, Knull works pretty well on some fights, especially GG
For Carinas challengers i took path 3 in april 2024 R5 sig200 ascended Void R5 sig200 ascended Falcon R4 sig20 ascended Shang-Chi 7R2 G2099 7R2 Diablo Was 31 revives and 2 team revives Void did most fights, the enrage mechanic isn't as big as a threat now because of the higher ranked champs. G99 was awesome too, just make sure to end the fight with sp3 and her damage is pretty nuts. Used Shang-Chi for Luke Cage because he can pretty much cheese it, i originally thought Falcon would be my main champ but didn't use him that much, only for Korg and Collector, also Diablo was only used for VtD
Last path was path 4 which is considered the hardest 6*R5 sig200 ascended Aegon 6*R5 sig200 ascended Doom 6*R5 sig200 ascended Thor 6*R5 sig200 ascended Void 6*R4 sig20 Shang Chi Was a pretty tough path with 68 revives and one team revive, i used Thor for both Killmongers, works great, Shang-Chi for Luke Cage and Masacre, Doom took Red Skull, Bishop (cheese) and Hyperion, Void for Hulk Ragnarok, Mordo, Mephisto, Modok, Sym Supreme; Aegon for the rest.
It feels like Collector isn't as much a pain as i remembered from first runs.
As for your runs:
Carina challengers: i would recommend a strong Void, he really did the heavy lifting, but maybe your Cap IW can do it too.. you also want a mystic champ in your team, maybe longshot in your case, Falcon is good for collector just get as much damage in as possible. Obviously your Shang Chi is great, so i would suggest a team like this:
7*Shang-Chi 7* Cap IW 6* G99 6* Falcon (would use a gem on him and a couple sigs) Maybe Longshot for the mystic
Spidey one Spider-Ham should do great I don't have much experience with Silk, but she should work too i guess Venom could do GG, heavy for armor break then you can do much damage Other two maybe Mysterio and Peni, depending on the path you also want someone for Luke Cage, Miles can cheese som stuff here Other than that my Anti-Venom worked great and also Knull
Congrats man! For exploration make sure to combine it with the Carina Abyss challenges, good luck!
Combining with the Spidey/symbiote green goblin run isn't fun, but there are probably better champs out there now.
But definitely combine with Carina's challengers and the mutant one if you are doing 100%. Congrats, and Good luck OP if you continue the journey.
You don't need to do collector right? So it might be easier.
I hadn't done that path yet so I continued to the collector. There wasn't a good champ at the time (and I still don't think there is, but the higher star rarities like 7r3 might be more doable) to counter collector so it was just a revive fest. And I believe punisher99 on the path was also a pain. There's a write up somewhere that I did along with another person who attempted it but quit out.
For exploration make sure to combine it with the Carina Abyss challenges, good luck!
But definitely combine with Carina's challengers and the mutant one if you are doing 100%. Congrats, and Good luck OP if you continue the journey.
I documented my abyss runs, can provide detailled infos tomorrow and champ suggestions
Carina Challengers was path 3 i think
R5 sig200 ascended Void
R5 sig200 ascended Falcon
R4 sig80ish ascende Shang-Chi
7R2 G2099
7R2 Diablo
Spidey team the main dealer was Mysterio with Peni synergy, more details tomorrow
Did Path 1 first in 2021, was a real pain and took forever, don't remember the champs exactly but 5* Aegon did most fights
Path 2 was a year later, i think Magneto did some fights there too, after that i didn't want to explore more paths for a while
After Carina Challenges Vol 2 came out many players combined them with unexplored paths which was also my idea
So in Feb 2024 i did path 5 with only Mutants
Magneto 6* R4 sig80
Apocalypse 6* R4 sig80
White Magneto 6* only for prefight collector
Cable 6* R3 sig20
Stryfe 7* R2
So after the first 4 fights (IMIW - Magneto; IW and Hulk Ragnarok - Apocalypse; YJ - Magneto) i made Stryfe a horseman and he did almost all of the rest of the fights, many solos, the only exeptions were Thing and Bishop where i used cable and Cable where i used Magneto
All in all 33 revives and one team revive, while 12 revives were collector alone
I did the Spidey/Symbiote one next a couple of weeks later after farming some revives
took a short route with only 12 fights because i was going to stop after GG
Anti-Venom 6* R4 sig40
Sym Supreme 6*R4
Knull 7*R1
Mysterio 7*R1 sig20
Peni Parker 6*R4 sig80
Took me 38 revives and was glad it was over, Knull works pretty well on some fights, especially GG
For Carinas challengers i took path 3 in april 2024
R5 sig200 ascended Void
R5 sig200 ascended Falcon
R4 sig20 ascended Shang-Chi
7R2 G2099
7R2 Diablo
Was 31 revives and 2 team revives
Void did most fights, the enrage mechanic isn't as big as a threat now because of the higher ranked champs. G99 was awesome too, just make sure to end the fight with sp3 and her damage is pretty nuts. Used Shang-Chi for Luke Cage because he can pretty much cheese it, i originally thought Falcon would be my main champ but didn't use him that much, only for Korg and Collector, also Diablo was only used for VtD
Last path was path 4 which is considered the hardest
6*R5 sig200 ascended Aegon
6*R5 sig200 ascended Doom
6*R5 sig200 ascended Thor
6*R5 sig200 ascended Void
6*R4 sig20 Shang Chi
Was a pretty tough path with 68 revives and one team revive, i used Thor for both Killmongers, works great, Shang-Chi for Luke Cage and Masacre, Doom took Red Skull, Bishop (cheese) and Hyperion, Void for Hulk Ragnarok, Mordo, Mephisto, Modok, Sym Supreme; Aegon for the rest.
It feels like Collector isn't as much a pain as i remembered from first runs.
As for your runs:
Carina challengers: i would recommend a strong Void, he really did the heavy lifting, but maybe your Cap IW can do it too.. you also want a mystic champ in your team, maybe longshot in your case, Falcon is good for collector just get as much damage in as possible. Obviously your Shang Chi is great, so i would suggest a team like this:
7* Cap IW
6* G99
6* Falcon (would use a gem on him and a couple sigs)
Maybe Longshot for the mystic
Spidey one
Spider-Ham should do great
I don't have much experience with Silk, but she should work too i guess
Venom could do GG, heavy for armor break then you can do much damage
Other two maybe Mysterio and Peni, depending on the path you also want someone for Luke Cage, Miles can cheese som stuff here
Other than that my Anti-Venom worked great and also Knull
Hope this helps, good luck!