Game consistently crashes

Why does the game constantly crash now (causing the loss of resources and deaths in areas like AW)? In the modes that it rarely happens, when re-uploading the game recovers the fight with no loss of health or resources... But in areas like incursions (where it happens so much it feels impossible to go past zone 7 unless you’re willing to spend hundreds of dollars a week for resources), AW, and AQ it steals half of your health along with any resources used before going into the fight and causes deaths. Go figure it crashes and causes loss of resources and health in the modes which have the most costly resources, like it’s done purposely in those modes. For the last week or so the game has been extremely glitchy and crashes at least twice per hour (depending on which areas you’re playing because it’ll crash A Lot more often if trying to make an incursions run). I’ve been wanting to spend on the deals but it seems pointless knowing it’ll be worthless to buy resources that we’ll just get screwed out of. Others in my alliance seem to only have this issue when playing on an iOS device and I play on an iPad! Not sure what to do; stop playing as much as I do or just find a new game to get addicted to. I know I’m closer and closer to just becoming a FTP player and going back to spending money on other games that don’t leave me feeling like I’m getting scammed.