Who are you using ? Cause apoc is stun immune at 3 charges, Prof x you cant parry his non contact so it could be that, mags if you use a metal champs you'll likely not parry
Who are you using ? Cause apoc is stun immune at 3 charges, Prof x you cant parry his non contact so it could be that, mags if you use a metal champs you'll likely not parry
Scorp, BRB, Venom, Iron Doom, HB ... used Venom for Mags. Apoc was stun immune from the outset of the fight ... only has one charge then
Apoc starts with two genetic code as a defender, or three as a final boss of the quest (which he is in the side quest). Thus he starts in the side quest with his stun immunity while attacking already active.
Apoc starts with two genetic code as a defender, or three as a final boss of the quest (which he is in the side quest). Thus he starts in the side quest with his stun immunity while attacking already active.
What made it confusing was seeing only one genetic code on him in the preview map. So it's a sneaky way of making the boss stun immune without making a node for it. The rewards for this sidequest are not really worth it for its difficulty level. And it's not fun either, especially that Prof X fight with constant falters from him and the node. Skipping this sidequest altogether is an easy option.
I miss sidequests when they were more fun oriented rather than punishing
Cause apoc is stun immune at 3 charges,
Prof x you cant parry his non contact so it could be that, mags if you use a metal champs you'll likely not parry
I miss sidequests when they were more fun oriented rather than punishing