Help what am I doing wrong? My people are being killed so easily.
I'm on book 1 act 4 chapter 5 and I can't get past the 2nd person without all of my people being killed other than 1 which is my 5 star rank 3 lady deathstroke. But even she dies before i can get to the end. How can I go through a whole chapter with just one person.. I play with her, also 5 star rank 2 wolverine, 4 star rank 4 X-23, 4 star rank 3 Ms.Marvel, and 5 star rank 2 Adam warlock who sucks so damn bad .. idk what I'm doing wrong. How can my people be killed so easily against 3 star and 4 star opponents? Idk if it's in my mastery's or what. I am posting them below. Any help or suggestions are welcomed.
You have lady d, Cassie, Adam, and Chavez right there
Secondly watch a youtube video on adam warlock. He should not suck.
Next, which path are you taking?
And lastly, while it isn’t why you’re losing, make sure u focus on unlocking these masteries
Chapter 1 Quest 5 instead of Chapter 5
The thing to keep in mind is that Act 4 (along with the entire set of lower Acts) was redesigned and recalibrated for modern rosters. Act 4 does contain 3* champs, but 4.1.5 has +400% attack and +500% health nodes, while 4.4.5 contains +600% health. These guys have PI between 3.5k and 5.5k, and their health and attack are roughly the equivalent of 5* R3 champs or so. They are in fact stronger, numerically, than the OPs roster.
The OP is struggling for two reasons. The first one is even though he's using 4s and 5s against 3s, he's still overmatched in terms of PI/attack/health in Act 4. But the second and more important reason is it appears he hasn't learned any of the fundamental combat skills of the game. He's basically bulldozed his way up through Act 3 on roster strength.
To the OP: you need three things to beat content in this game: roster strength, combat skill, and game knowledge. You can get by on roster strength alone for a while, but eventually you need to develop combat skills and start learning the ins and outs of the game. In the early game, the opponents are numerically weaker than you. You can just punch them to death. But eventually, basically everything you fight will be numerically higher than you. A reasonably skilled player should be able to tackle content in which the minions are at least 50% higher in numeric strength (let's say PI for now) than they are. So like in 4.1.5 where the minions are in the 3.5-4k range, a reasonably skilled average player should be able to do that map with a team of champs with ratings in the range of 2.5-3k, which you have. By the time you're doing Act 5, that ratio should rise to close to 100%, at least without difficult nodes in play.
That takes skills, which I suspect you haven't gotten yet because you haven't needed to yet. While they are a bit dated at this point, what I used to recommend to new players all the time was DorkLessons tutorials on the game: (see "MCOC Training Series").
Dave recently returned to the game as our community manager, but he was a long time content creator and has a lot of instructive videos on his channel that are still completely valid today: how to Parry, how to Evade, how to Bait Specials. All stuff you will need to learn to take the next step forward in this game.
@Lokx thank you for your suggestions on the mastery's and with x-23, Angela, and Chavez.
Any suggestions on who I should level up and use on my roster?
And how should I do the mastery's?
When I started playing, I had a hard time dexxing specials, so I always just took block damage. The damage just kept getting bigger and bigger as the attacks got higher and higher until someone told me I needed to learn how to dex.
As to masteries, everyone has opinions there, and what works for low level players and ant always the best for higher ones, but in general I would not recommend the extended fury masteries you took in the offensive tree and work on the precision mastery above them. I am also a believer in the willpower mastery for newer players in the defensive tree, but it takes a while to unlock it because you need 15 points in defense before you can use it, so you need to build up to it.
Thanks for the advice. I had to upload the video on YouTube cause it was to long to upload on here. And after failing to beat it so many times can you believe that the one time I made a video for you guys I ended up beating it. But still I would appreciate if you guys watched it and gave any advice that you can to help me better myself.
I’ve got three main pieces of advice. The first two are not necessarily about the gameplay. I noticed you took the path that the defenders had a higher PI (the strength rating that DNA talked about). I would suggest to take the path with that the defenders have the lowest number when you’re doing a quest for the first time cause they’ll be easier. Second, I wouldn’t suggest reviving three people at once. Either revive one at a time (cause you could hypothetically kill the boss and have someone else healthy, therefore wasting the revive) or use a team revive (it’ll cost less units overall) if you know you need a lot of help.
This is the most important part. The third is about gameplay. The main times I saw you getting hit was when you were dashing into the opponent, and they hit you before you could hit them. I would suggest you parry more. You did it after the first combo in the Shang-chi fight and a couple times later on, but do it more. Parrying is a great way to start a fight and it gives you great openings after you do a 5 hit combo. So parry, do five hits, parry, and repeat till you use a special or you want them to. Also, try not to blindly dash in when they have a special attack available. Most of the time they hit you with one, it was cause of that.
I'd like to emphasize his parry suggestion. I often saw you attack, dash back, and dash right back in to attack (especially the Deadpool fight). I'd suggest waiting for them to dash towards you and parry. You don't risk being intercepted, and it's generally much safer imo. There are downfalls and bad habits to that, but I still do it and I've survived.
I'd also recommend parrying at the start of the fight instead of attacking right away. If you don't have the parry down for when the fight starts, then dash back. Some people are fans of attacking right away, but I find that I get hit in the face more often than I would like.
At the level you’re currently at, the primary thing to learn is basic combat. Basic combat has some rules, and among those rules is when you and the computer can attack, and when you can’t. For example, while you are performing a combo - a sequence of attacks - as long as you don’t pause during those attacks the computer cannot just counter attack you in the middle. But both you and the computer can perform what is called an intercept - that is when one side is dashing towards the other, and the other champion launches an attack into the champ dashing forward. You were intercepted a few times during that video.
How do you prevent this from happening? Well, in general the computer is only going to try to intercept you if you dash forward while the computer is just standing there ready. If the computer is blocking, it can’t easily stop blocking and counterattack. So if you are already in the middle of attacking the computer, until your combo is over you’re safe. If the computer is blocking, you can attack and you’re still safe (up to a point). But if the computer is just standing there waiting for you? Not safe. So what do you do? Let the computer attack you, and block the computer. If you perform what the game refers to as a well-timed block, where you block right as the attack is about to land, you will trigger a Parry, which will briefly stun the opponent. While stunned the opponent can’t attack, so you’re safe to now attack without being counterattacked.
This ability to control the fight, so you know when it is safe to attack and when it is not, and what to do to make it safe to attack, is one of the fundamental principles of combat. Let me show you how it works:
First, at the start of the fight I let the computer attack, and I block. I successfully land a well-timed block, so I trigger a Parry. This stuns the computer, so now I’m free to attack in safety. I do a five hit combo (five is the maximum number of attacks you can do in a single combo) and then I let the computer attack again, trying to once again time my block into a Parry, which I do. Notice that I miss the third time, I don’t land the Parry. Because i don’t, I back away, because it is not safe to attack. As this goes on the computer is getting more and more power. I do not want to give the computer three bars of power, so once he reaches two I have to back off. Now, I would like the computer to throw that special attack, but instead the computer decides to back off also and hold block, like a boxer turtling. So I attack into his block a couple times then back away. I do this to try to tease him into hitting back, and eventually he does. First he throws a heavy attack, and then he throws that special two, depleting his power. I’m now free to attack again. Parry, combo, parry, combo.
Also, I’m very familiar with Deadpool, and I know I can dodge his heavy, his special one, and his special two attacks, so I just have to have situational awareness on which of those he can use. Most champions can only use the special attack for which their power has reached, in other words when Deadpool has one bar of power he can only use special one, and when he has two bars of power he can only use special two - he can’t use special one even though he technically has enough power for either.
Attacking when it is safe. Using Parry to stun the opponent to get openings to attack. Being ready to dodge heavy attacks and specials. “Baiting” special attacks to deplete power and avoiding pushing to special three (which hits hard and can’t be evaded). At no time was this fight ever out of control for me. And I was using a version of Deathstrike with only one fifth of the attack and health of the one you used. That’s the power of learning the basics of combat. Knowing how the basic rules of combat work is a force multiplier. It makes your champs ten times stronger than they are if you don’t know them as well.
Oh, and a strategic comment. At the end you revived two of your dead champs to face the boss. That’s a mistake. You had one champ left alive. You were at the last fight. So there’s no point in reviving any of your champs until they are all dead. There’s no reason to save anything at this point. Revives and potions are valuable resources. Don’t use them until you need them. Revive champs *only* when you are going to use them and when you need them. You didn’t need those champs. And ironically, both bit the dust immediately, and the one champ you started with finished off the fight. Had you used her first you might have beaten the boss without needing to revive anyone. And even if she died, you might have still only needed one of those two champs to finish the fight.
Don’t burn resources before you need to.
@Will3808 and @willrun4adonut I'm doing my best to get parry down. I suck at it and everytime it try to parry I usually get hit. When I do land one it's usually luck. I'm going to practice everything you guys have talked about and I really appreciate the help and time you guys have taken out to help me out. I will use the 3 vs 3 arena to practice some. Also I just got a 5 star corvus glaive and also a 4 star cosmic ghost rider do you guys think that they would be good to level up for my roster?
As for getting opponent to throw their SP 1/2, so they don’t reach their SP3…
Baiting them into doing an SP requires that you NOT be blocking (they will rarely ever throw SP 1/2 into your block). Although once they start that SP, you can definitely start your Block afterwards or evade it, depending if it's a UnBlockable one or not.
So you need to be “idle, open to an attack” (not blocking). And if opponent rushes in to attack you (Medium) instead of using their SP, just evade back and repeat.
If they have some room left on their Power Bar, you can hit into opponent's Block. This pushes them back some, and doesn’t give them as much increase in Power as if your hits were landing unblocked. Plus helps get opponent into “thinking” that they should then throw their SP afterwards.
Hit into their block once or twice, then retreat back, waiting idle again.
While sitting “idle” for too long, AI will start to walk you forward, in which you just block for split second or retreat back, waiting idle again in hopes opponent uses their SP.
Yes, although you have too many in Dexterity, only need 1 in that node.
Of which, even though you are far from having the Maximum amount of Mastery points available to use, you can refer to those guides, and even if you can’t open up as many as are shown, you can see where some nodes you only need to have 1 in and so don’t have to waste extras in those particular nodes. (aka lesser/greater Strength, and lesser/greater Vitality, and that Dex)
Or those in the guides that don’t have ANY in them, those you can avoid them, aka FURY nodes.
There were I think 18 points (if I remember when I first looked at them), that were in unnecessary spots.