I don't know any deep info about mcoc and I need a ton of help on act 6 chapter 2. Any tips?

I am an average mcoc player and play just for the heck of it. I really enjoy the game it's just I'm at a plateau right now when it comes to story mode. My top five champs are 5 star dragon man maxed out, six star awakened r3 quicksilver, five star maxed out massacre, five star maxed out nimrod, and five star maxed out juggernaut. I also have a five star maxed out absorbing man. I plan on maxing out my five star arcade because he is really fun to use and has a lot of bleed, poison, and shock. The nodes in chapter two absolutely destroy me and I have no clue how to beat any of the champs in chapter 2 act six. I don't know if its just my skill level or just not having good champs. I noticed that massacre kind of sucks, because he isn't immune to anything so I don't use him anymore despite how good his damage is. Overall I really need help someone return advice pls.
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