Hercules state 2024 kabams new bff

Here we go. The concern the game developers and many players had was that he basically broke the game. I won't get into to that we all know the story. But I will say this. The concerns surrounding him no longer exist in 2024.
1. High tier players don't use him for any but the most niche and specific everest fights.
2. He's mostly used for mid to low tier content that is super grindy and annoying (incursions/aq) things we HAVE to do but nobody really looks forward to (albeit thr tactic incursions were fun this time round)
3. In battlegrounds he's a non threat 9/10 times he is picked as an attacker I still walk away winning.
4. His true value - personally. I believe his true value is to new players and players who chose to use units over skill and strategy. And as a company the things kabam and the big wigs at marble want are new players...and unit spending. So he went from their biggest concern to their best friend. And that just tickles me pink.
5. Feel free to disagree. I think he's boring and basic. But I feel most higher tier players will agree. The herc reign is over and I wouldn't even chase him as a 7*.
1. High tier players don't use him for any but the most niche and specific everest fights.
2. He's mostly used for mid to low tier content that is super grindy and annoying (incursions/aq) things we HAVE to do but nobody really looks forward to (albeit thr tactic incursions were fun this time round)
3. In battlegrounds he's a non threat 9/10 times he is picked as an attacker I still walk away winning.
4. His true value - personally. I believe his true value is to new players and players who chose to use units over skill and strategy. And as a company the things kabam and the big wigs at marble want are new players...and unit spending. So he went from their biggest concern to their best friend. And that just tickles me pink.
5. Feel free to disagree. I think he's boring and basic. But I feel most higher tier players will agree. The herc reign is over and I wouldn't even chase him as a 7*.
I feel like Brick from Ron Burgundy wrote this......
I love lamp.
This herc? The Hercules? With an H? Red circle for those who don't notice
Well good to know. RDTs please Kabam?
Everybody has one 🤯🤡
Let's generalize. If only all the champs were stronger, everyone would blast through content quicker. True or false?
False. The content doesn't fall from the sky. The devs build the content. They build it to have a certain level of difficulty. How do they know they hit their target? Datamining. There's no difficulty meter you can buy from Amazon that tells you how difficult content is. You know it is easy if everyone beats it. You know it is hard when no one beats it. It is the playerbase, specifically their game play data, that tells the devs when the content is too easy or too hard or just right. The content reflects how strong our rosters are and how strong we are when we play the game.
No one champ is going to make the game easy in the long run, because content isn't created that way. If we all had a champ that trivialized the content, the content would get harder. Normally this only affects new content, but when the disparity gets strong enough for long enough, even older content is not immune from being revisited. Look at the lower Acts and lower difficulty tiers of EQ now. They don't look anything like they used to in terms of difficulty, because they've been recalibrated to the strength of roster that newer players have today verses what we were playing with nine years ago.
If ever a champion arrives that causes the game to get so much easier that it actually changes the spending habits of the playerbase enough to actually notice, that means the content is too easy and the devs will make it harder to com[ensate.
In other words, the existence of Hercules doesn't cost them units. Rather, it widens the gap between those who have and use him, and those that don't. True for all strong champs including him. The units and potions you aren't buying because Hercules saves you from buying them? Some other player is paying for that.
The true cost of Hercules is not that he costs Kabam units. Rather, the true cost of Hercules is the developers have to constantly remember that he exists, and make content that reflects the fact that he exists, to make sure the overall difficulty of the game compensates for the fact that some perrcentage of the playerbase will use him if the content allows them to use him, and it has to be hard enough to ensure that the *average* player performance remains within the normal range of the game.
MCOC is a test that is graded on a curve. The average grade is always going to be a C. Someone is always going to get an A, someone else is always going to get a D. If ever the average grade isn't a C, the devs will keep making the test harder until it is. Someone is always going to end up spending their summer in summer school.
Would definitely R3 him