Jubilee buff

Hey u know that we'll get cyclops and we all agree that he won cuz the X-Men 97 series but you know who is also in that series, yeah that's right Jubilee and she's like a very iconic character kinda irrelevant sometimes but still an important part of the X-Men family, and with the cyclops buff maybe we can get her a little buff as some sort of pack of who knows, think about it she heard that cyclops was getting a buff and she wanted to go with him and hey if you're not gonna buff wolverine (that acts like a father figure for her) with Deadpool for the movie I think the least we can get is a Jubilee buff or even a 7* version of Jubilee. The 7* version of Jubilee is a topic for another post. I think everyone agree when I say the mutant class is like the least buffed class of all the game but with champs like Onslaught that got that neuroshock, degen and other stuff that's quite of to much for a champ, why we can get Jubilee doing some plasma damage as her mutant power say I think she deserve it because when she come to the game with Stryfe they'll fell like a little lack of pure power, I think starting with a Jubilee buff would be a very good move the other class are overcharge with some broken champs like HEY look at enchantress and tell me she isn't the most illegal defender you ever face.

As a mutant defender myself I say that with a strong mutant class is a start to a strong future in this game.

Thanks for reading 🧬
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