Relaxed Alliance looking for Experienced Players wanting to Chill or new Players looking to grow

Are you an experienced player that is a bit burnt out?

Are you a newer player looking to grow?

If you're looking for a place to play however you want, and still get decent points from alliance events from what I'm doing, you are welcome to join. I only asked that you be fairly active, and hopefully save a decent chunk of units for the banquet event. I have been doing AQ and AW, with a bunch of caveats. We are doing map 6 for AQ, but only expect one lane per BG (3 BGs), anything more is a bonus. I am running multiple accounts (5 paragon and 1 uncollected) and can clear them very easily. Nothing is required even remotely, but if you want to participate they are there to play and get rewards, and if you don't, you don't need to. Same with AW. We run as many BGs as possible, with a boss rush mentality.

We have been putting up points in battlegrounds and other events as well, but they are the exact same thing. There to play, and get rewards, but not required at all. If it is something you're interested in let me know, if not have a great day. I can be found in game and on the Line app at "Teiberious" but line shows as "Teiberious SloaneyVP"


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