21k prestige looking for alliance

Didn't play from September of last year until about mid-July of this year, so my roster isn't super dense due to having less ascended 6* than most. But we're getting there. Joined a random alliance when I came back and they had players using items in map 5 AQ, so I'm looking to upgrade from that.
Not super picky, just looking to get rewards worth my effort with other players that pull their weight. Good with AW and high level AQ (haven’t done raids yet) and I'll put up at least 300k for BGs, probably a bit more. Line and discord are both fine.
We are 150 mil ally plat 4, map 6 for 5200 glory per week
Gold1 AW - no spend wars
AQ Map 6 & Raids
No BG minimums
Drop your line id if interested