Useful champions to rank up for act 7

LivingAfroLivingAfro Member Posts: 108
I’ve not really thought about story progression since my initial completion of act 6, but I’m wanting to push for paragon soon, so I was wondering which champions have you guys found helpful for act 7 completion? I’ll attach images of my 6 stars from each class. I have two 7*s, shocker and mysterio too, I know shocker was a huge help in act 6


  • LivingAfroLivingAfro Member Posts: 108
    I forgot to add, I have a 6* generic AG and a mutant AG too
  • JLordVileJJLordVileJ Member Posts: 6,143 ★★★★★
    Juggernaut Adam sim venom silk nick bloodstone etc
  • SirGamesBondSirGamesBond Member Posts: 6,266 ★★★★★
    -Sinsiter the king of questing.
    Unlimited healing wih willpower.

    -Scorpion, he is just too good for questing, (venom synergy make him faster)

    -fury and give him the generic.
    -red skull

    Source: trust me bro! 💯
  • 13579rebel_13579rebel_ Member Posts: 2,893 ★★★★★
    Scorpion and Sinister
  • felanomafelanoma Member Posts: 62
    Havok and ImHulk cheese some paths, Immhulk 6*r1 is enough, even a 5* havok will do fine.
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