7 star reunion selector

I have got Misty Knight and White Magneto from the reunion crystals. So, who would the best option to go for in reunion selector? I can go for either of them except Misty Knight.

Ihulk -> insane pve usability
Venompool -> awesome utility (especially gain tech class), great for long fights
Punisher 2099 -> great damage and power control abilities
Man-thing -> tanky defender. Works great with 5/5 MD
People forget the reason Man-Thing fell off was because he was stuck as a 6* while the most op science champs got released as 7*, that changes completely if you take him to r3.
I agree, but unless they choose to take man thing to r3, he’s just gonna get nuked. I’d say take man thing only if you immediately take him to r3. Also shouldn’t silk work for him? I don’t see why Titania would get 50k but silk wouldn’t. Her damage is just fine even if the burst doesn’t crit.
As for Silk she works but she's slow, the sp2 burst is crit reliant indeed that's why she places sunder right before it. Titania's bursts on the other hand aren't crit reliant they're debuff reliant, that's why she will still work.