What do you think about this Nick Fury touch up?

KnightOfTheRealmKnightOfTheRealm Member Posts: 956 ★★★
It's difficult with his current kit to maintain his utility in first life with tactical charges because the only way to get them is sp1, and they fall off quickly. The only thing needed to fix this is add one clause to his kit; "Nick gains one tactical charge for every 5 hits in his combo meter".

What do you think about this Nick Fury touch up? 25 votes

Good idea
PriyabrataKingSageThe1stPT_99KnightOfTheRealm 4 votes
Make it every 10/15 hits
NONYABIZZMachoGamerCuber2906 3 votes
Leave as is
Talha305RajaMagrailothosAckbar67Newman0067OurobørosPrentexJava_JunkieSquidopusFurrymoosenhoundogακιAzenstarTsuyoshi_SenpaiBlackTuranThe_0wenpus13579rebel_LokxEdisonLawAecyn 18 votes


  • PrentexPrentex Member Posts: 414 ★★
    edited August 2024
    Leave as is
    While sometimes it would be nice to have other ways to get them, i don't think it is needed for Nick. Also the Valkyrie relic (awakened) can pause them by hitting into block.

    And in serious matchups you wanna use second life anyway. I'd rather have him released as a 7* (plus an awakening gem lol)
  • FurrymoosenFurrymoosen Member Posts: 5,599 ★★★★★
    Leave as is
    We're a long ways away from ever needing to think of a conversation where we say Nick Fury needs to be improved. He's designed to require sacrifice and play dangerously to get the best out of him and his best is well worth the sacrifice. It wouldn't make sense to improve him to make him more viable outside of making that sacrifice.
  • Java_JunkieJava_Junkie Member Posts: 684 ★★★
    Leave as is
    you get some scenarios where a node gives you a fury, or you backpack in Heimdal and Angela, or maybe run Cap’n Karen to extend the tactical charges. other than that, usually you can get the work in with his bleeds in the first life.

    don’t get me wrong, I’d LOVE to see it, but 100% he don’t need it.
  • willrun4adonutwillrun4adonut Member Posts: 6,012 ★★★★★

    you get some scenarios where a node gives you a fury, or you backpack in Heimdal and Angela, or maybe run Cap’n Karen to extend the tactical charges. other than that, usually you can get the work in with his bleeds in the first life.

    don’t get me wrong, I’d LOVE to see it, but 100% he don’t need it.

    You can also run fury with a Valkyrie relic.
  • EdisonLawEdisonLaw Member Posts: 9,858 ★★★★★
    Leave as is
    He’s designed to excel when he’s in his second life, since he gains a large fury, stun immunity and his charges are permanent if he has that fury.
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