IMPORTANT help - rank up strategy

I finally got the resources to rank up 2 champions all the way to RANK 4.
These are my favorite champions to play with. PLEASE HELP ME CHOOSE *2* CHAMPIONS TO RANK UP.
I hereby attach a screenshot of my current top row so you’ll see what my crew looks like now.
Thanks for your help, I really appreciate it!!
Here’s the list:
* Nick Fury (awakened, sig lvl. 55)
* Spot (awakened, sig lvl. 56)
* Kingpin (awakened, sig lvl. 56)
* Ebony Maw (awakened, sig lvl. 26)
* Hyperion (awakened, sig lvl. 51)
* Hulkbuster (awakened, sig lvl. 55)
* Black widow Claire (not awakened)
* Human Torch (not awakened)
* Dragon Man (awakened, sig lvl. 60)
* Photon (awakened, sig lvl. 20)
* Ægon (awakened, sig lvl. 20)
* Warlock (awakened, sig lvl. 24)
* Hercules (not awakened)
* Super Skrull (awakened, sig lvl. 20)
* Shang Chi (awakened, sig lvl. 20)
* Ghost (awakened, sig lvl. 43)
* Yondu (not awakened)
The following champions are currently NOT awakened, but I got an awakening gem so I can awake one and take it to sig lvl 24:
* Red Magneto
* Professor X
* Apocalypse
* Omega Red
* Dust