IMPORTANT help - rank up strategy

Arisa_malka1Arisa_malka1 Member Posts: 38

I finally got the resources to rank up 2 champions all the way to RANK 4.
These are my favorite champions to play with. PLEASE HELP ME CHOOSE *2* CHAMPIONS TO RANK UP.

I hereby attach a screenshot of my current top row so you’ll see what my crew looks like now.
Thanks for your help, I really appreciate it!!

Here’s the list:
* Nick Fury (awakened, sig lvl. 55)
* Spot (awakened, sig lvl. 56)
* Kingpin (awakened, sig lvl. 56)
* Ebony Maw (awakened, sig lvl. 26)
* Hyperion (awakened, sig lvl. 51)
* Hulkbuster (awakened, sig lvl. 55)
* Black widow Claire (not awakened)
* Human Torch (not awakened)
* Dragon Man (awakened, sig lvl. 60)
* Photon (awakened, sig lvl. 20)
* Ægon (awakened, sig lvl. 20)
* Warlock (awakened, sig lvl. 24)
* Hercules (not awakened)
* Super Skrull (awakened, sig lvl. 20)
* Shang Chi (awakened, sig lvl. 20)
* Ghost (awakened, sig lvl. 43)
* Yondu (not awakened)

The following champions are currently NOT awakened, but I got an awakening gem so I can awake one and take it to sig lvl 24:
* Red Magneto
* Professor X
* Apocalypse
* Omega Red
* Dust


  • AzKicker316AzKicker316 Member Posts: 2,514 ★★★★★
    What progression level and where in Story are you at at the moment? What are your near term goals?
  • Arisa_malka1Arisa_malka1 Member Posts: 38
    I’m Summoner level 60. Currently in the story: Book 1 Act 6 chapter 2.4 and pretty stuck. My near term goals are: (1) to complete chapter 4 and become Thronebreaker; (2) Win more battlegrounds because I kinda struggle there; (3) maybe get more 7* champions haha
  • Steam97Steam97 Member Posts: 285 ★★★
    You surely have some good champions, why are u stuck in story? I mean champions matter but skill matters too, first I'd suggest you to look at some guides or playthroughs of story content on youtube to see which champions work better for what you need to do, like mcoc noob channel, and in that case rank up those champions that will actually help you in the short term to go on in story content, then try to self analyze your playstyle and see if there's room to improve, remember that the grandmaster final boss of act 6 requires skill and can't be brute forced, so you'll need to have the skill and be ready for it. Third thing is check your masteries, they're really important and you need to have a good mastery set, and take advantage of relics
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