I hate everything about the Serpent.

The_0wenpusThe_0wenpus Member Posts: 287 ★★★

I hate everything about The Serpent. His stupid hammer that's taller than him. His stupid belt that sits well above where any belt should sit. His ridiculous proportions. His stupid shoulder pads that are each bigger than his head. I guess he is also wearing a fur coat underneath all that? It looks like he stole it from Kraven. Oh, and I forgot to mention the shape of his hammer. It looks awful. I hate his stupid hands that are somehow twice the size they should be. Did I mention his stupid belt? I did. I just had to mention it again, that's how awful it is. And that's not even mentioning his overpowered, slap-in-the-face, "Nerf Serpent or give everybody Serpent," "bycott Kabam," insulting to cavalier level players, unfair, "You're bad at balancing defenders and that's OK," slap-in-the-face, ""effective,"" stupid, awful, slap-in-the-face ability set. 125% chance for death immunity! First you say this defender gets to be immune to DEATH itself, then you make it so that this Cobra or whatever gets to be immune to death even with 100% ability accuracy reduction. Why exactly does he need coldsnap immunity, too? Look at his stupid little face, do you think that could withstand any amount of chilly weather? Do you? The Snake is a disgrace to this game and what its forefathers intended.


  • EdisonLawEdisonLaw Member Posts: 9,687 ★★★★★
    I think he’s cool (except on defense obviously)
  • NightheartNightheart Member Posts: 2,125 ★★★★
    I understand how you feel
  • captain_rogerscaptain_rogers Member Posts: 11,780 ★★★★★
    Also he looks ugly. One of the ugliest mfs in the game.
  • SilentArisSilentAris Member Posts: 109
    Can't believe iam saying this but serpent is worst than my math teacher.
  • WednesdayLengthWednesdayLength Member Posts: 2,319 ★★★★
    PT_99 said:

    Only reason he got coldsnap immunity is to stop Kate

    I mean there is reason for it, it explains in his kit
  • Colinwhitworth69Colinwhitworth69 Member Posts: 7,470 ★★★★★
    Tell me you got slapped by serpent without telling me you got slapped by serpent.
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