So kabam decided to *fix* kp with his sp1 aar. How will this affect him in general questing and in the long run. Also shall I still r4 him as my 2nd r4.
I’m not sure the sp1 was the most valuable part of his kit, was good for the aar but there’s other champs that did that bit better, most go with the sp2 for the unstoppable and rage/overpower.
Still a great choice for BG and questing. Rank the man.
He will be a bit worse against Thing, spiders, scorpion, electro, and anyone else with a defensive ability, but I'd honestly rather use Blackcat against most of those champs anyway, and 65% is still pretty good for DAAR. The change itself is relatively minor, most people are just upset that finding and "fixing" this "bug" was given any sort of priority given the current state of the game/obvious failure of the balance program. It's really just a straw that broke the camel's back kind of situation.
He will be a bit worse against Thing, spiders, scorpion, electro, and anyone else with a defensive ability, but I'd honestly rather use Blackcat against most of those champs anyway, and 65% is still pretty good for DAAR. The change itself is relatively minor, most people are just upset that finding and "fixing" this "bug" was given any sort of priority given the current state of the game/obvious failure of the balance program. It's really just a straw that broke the camel's back kind of situation.
Everyone needs to read this, far too many people are overestimating the impact of this change. 65% AAR is still solid.
Besides, Midpin was never gonna be r5 for me anyways 🙂↕️🙂↔️
It's not the fix that infuriate the community, it's how it was done/communicated. Just after another poor communication on Serpent (untouched) balancing. It's changing a champ that had this kit for that last 3 years and from nowhere get a foot note comment in a release note.
So why touch KingPing now? Is it because he is coming to the 7* pool and someone was task to clean up his kit? May be, but again, poor communication.
I think people are vastly overestimating "the nerf" but I do agree, when the games the way it is performance wise, bug wise, with so many defenders, kits and bugs hindering the player, yet they decide to persevere through and fix a player benefitting bug and never even communicated that it was being looked into in the first place.
He'll still be very good, it's just certain matchups like thing and electro will be tougher. 65% AAR is still not a bad amount and can definitely still shut some things off.
Still easily worth ranking as a 6*, especially for less developed accounts
Irrelevant but it shows Kabam's true laughable side on what they decide to nerf and what they decide to ignore
If Kabam can't nerf Serpant then perhaps they should fix serpant like they are fixing kingping?
They're different teams entirely
All the "teams" burn cash from the same source, someone prioritized this over something else in term of spending. I think the game as more pressing matter that could use a higher priority, don't you?
KP has been my favorite skill champ for the longest time, and he still is (maybe not). I said maybe not because he isn't available as a 7 star. In the other hand, I have a r2 7* Xbones sig 50. For the past month or so and way before this nerf was announced, i had noticed that i'd been using Xbones a lot more than KP specially for AW. As far as the nerf is concerned, the window in which you're able to stack 2 degens at the same time is so short, maybe a 4-6 sec max is nice but not game breaking. Kabam shoulda left it the way it was.
KP has been my favorite skill champ for the longest time, and he still is (maybe not). I said maybe not because he isn't available as a 7 star. In the other hand, I have a r2 7* Xbones sig 50. For the past month or so and way before this nerf was announced, i had noticed that i'd been using Xbones a lot more than KP specially for AW. As far as the nerf is concerned, the window in which you're able to stack 2 degens at the same time is so short, maybe a 4-6 sec max is nice but not game breaking. Kabam shoulda left it the way it was.
Precisely. This is also a nerf to using Black Widow relic with KP.
I love using Kingpin, and whenever he gets released as a 7s I will go all in for him, and rank him as high as I can.
This bug fix means little to me. KP still has his degen, to which almost no champs are immune. He still shrugs debuffs and hits hard. He still has access to unblockable and stun. And he's still a tank that regens almost constantly.
If I encounter a fight in which his bugged behavior would have helped, I'll figure out something else to do, if need be.
Since Kingpin is on everyone's mind right now, I will throw out that he is actually a really fun Apocalypse counter. Since he can't purify debuffs, you can sp2 and stack just a ridiculous amount of rage, that increases both atk and combat power rate. It was always fun to see someone put down an Apoc as a defender in BGs back in earlier seasons and then just roll over him with the fat man. I kind of wish there were more champs that prevented purify like that rather then just the straight punishing that most mutants do now.
Still a great choice for BG and questing. Rank the man.
Besides, Midpin was never gonna be r5 for me anyways 🙂↕️🙂↔️
So why touch KingPing now? Is it because he is coming to the 7* pool and someone was task to clean up his kit? May be, but again, poor communication.
If Kabam can't nerf Serpant then perhaps they should fix serpant like they are fixing kingping?
Still easily worth ranking as a 6*, especially for less developed accounts
As far as the nerf is concerned, the window in which you're able to stack 2 degens at the same time is so short, maybe a 4-6 sec max is nice but not game breaking. Kabam shoulda left it the way it was.
This bug fix means little to me. KP still has his degen, to which almost no champs are immune. He still shrugs debuffs and hits hard. He still has access to unblockable and stun. And he's still a tank that regens almost constantly.
If I encounter a fight in which his bugged behavior would have helped, I'll figure out something else to do, if need be.