Looking for Alliance

ign gengarbf
2.8mil/17,000 rating

little to no experience with war but willing to learn


  • KillbudKillbud Member Posts: 118
    Newly formed starter alli. Just looking to complete AQ map 4 and Silver 2 AW and have fun. Join, move and chill.. no stress. Status is OPEN so join our team: EA SpΩrt
    See you soon!!
  • KillbudKillbud Member Posts: 118
    In game invite sent.
  • RiptideRiptide Member Posts: 3,164 ★★★★★
    Do you have line?
  • JLordVileJJLordVileJ Member Posts: 3,081 ★★★★
    Join me, my in game name is same as here
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