30 day ban and all I got was a lame automated response

So 1st things 1st I'd like to say that I've tried to solve this issue via email to a kabam support ticket and all I got was an automated response telling me about the terms of Service and all I wanted to know is why did I get a 30 day ban for what reason are they banning me for a whole month and all they said it was that I used a 3rd party app I've never used a 3rd party app the only thing I do bc of my excessive grinding is watch movies and YouTube videos On a mini screen while I'm playing it also I would like to add that I don't do to AW or top AQ or even do BGs hell I haven't even finish the event quest 100% all bc I value arena more than any other game mode in this game now this post is not a threat is not a hate towards any employee all I'm saying is I'm innocent and this is wrong from them to do this to my account I'll take the 30 days it's all good at the end of the day is just a mobile video game but I am disappointed with kabam for simply doing this to me and remember when you spend money in the game remember u have no control on what you do to your account bc they can simply ban u and just not tell u why.
You clearly downloaded the game from somewhere that was not the play store or apple store.