[AI] Anyone else notice that the Mister Negative trick isn't working in BG anymore?

JeancrbJeancrb Member Posts: 228 ★★
The trick where you dash back against the wall, dodge the opponent’s next 2 attacks, charge a heavy, and then rinse and repeat.

It was working great for me at first, but now whenever I charge my heavy, the opponent just stands there mid-map or sometimes right in front of me doing literally nothing until I can’t charge anymore. I end up throwing my heavy at nothing and get punished right after.

I haven’t tried Quake in a while, but I’m guessing it's the same story. These heavy-dependent characters just aren't cutting it anymore. What's the point of using them?


  • SquidopusSquidopus Member Posts: 816 ★★★★
    Yeah the AI behavior while charging heavy isn’t ideal but there is a fairly reliable way to get Mr. Negative’s evade off in spite of it. Just back off and charge heavy as soon as you see the opponent dash in. Once the opponent’s committed to a dash attack they cant really do anything besides maybe throw a special (although I’ve never had the displeasure of seeing the AI actually do that, if you want to be safe you can just do it after baiting a special). Thus you can charge heavy and get the evade. Treat it like intercepting and it will work.
  • JeancrbJeancrb Member Posts: 228 ★★
    Squidopus said:

    Yeah the AI behavior while charging heavy isn’t ideal but there is a fairly reliable way to get Mr. Negative’s evade off in spite of it. Just back off and charge heavy as soon as you see the opponent dash in. Once the opponent’s committed to a dash attack they cant really do anything besides maybe throw a special (although I’ve never had the displeasure of seeing the AI actually do that, if you want to be safe you can just do it after baiting a special). Thus you can charge heavy and get the evade. Treat it like intercepting and it will work.

    That sounds great! So, you mean right after the first dash back? Kind of like how you play Quake, right?
  • SquidopusSquidopus Member Posts: 816 ★★★★
    Jeancrb said:

    Squidopus said:

    Yeah the AI behavior while charging heavy isn’t ideal but there is a fairly reliable way to get Mr. Negative’s evade off in spite of it. Just back off and charge heavy as soon as you see the opponent dash in. Once the opponent’s committed to a dash attack they cant really do anything besides maybe throw a special (although I’ve never had the displeasure of seeing the AI actually do that, if you want to be safe you can just do it after baiting a special). Thus you can charge heavy and get the evade. Treat it like intercepting and it will work.

    That sounds great! So, you mean right after the first dash back? Kind of like how you play Quake, right?
    I’m not really a Quake player so I won’t speak with certainty about that, but I usually do the heavy charge off reaction. Dash back to create space so that when the opponent does a dash attack you have the time to charge heavy in response. It’s really no different to parrying on reaction to an opponent dashing in, just with heavy charge instead. If you’re feeling a little ballsy you can dash back in the middle of a combo and heavy charge sorta like you were doing a backdraft intercept, but then you’re once again subject to the AI’s whims if they just turtle and don’t run in. The former method usually works fine enough for me that I don’t have to resort to the latter though.
  • SquidopusSquidopus Member Posts: 816 ★★★★
    I’ll also add real quick that you don’t need to dash back to create space; I actually find it’s a bit easier to do after a heavy attack, wherein the opponent has been knocked back far enough that you can just hold block, wait for them to move, and charge heavy as soon as you see them dash in.
  • OurobørosOurobøros Member Posts: 2,097 ★★★★★
    Guess what, they just released Patriot, who need to charge heavy to use the resolve charges, and he's Photon counter, and there's a Photon on next week's SOS.... Interesting
  • Herbal_TaxmanHerbal_Taxman Member Posts: 1,438 ★★★★★
    Didn’t notice, but I’m not at all surprised. No champ that depends on AI behavior is safe…
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