Why is Count Nefaria being power drained in War?

I got lucky and pulled the 6* Count Nefaria from the promo code so I took him into war and I think he is bugged. When I entered ionic overcharge against tactic defenders I was steadily being power drained. It was so bad I could hardly get enough power to sp1.

He's supposed to get 60% of the power denied but I think somehow that power gain is being reversed on himself? I tried duels vs champs with power gain like Hyperion and the bug didn’t happen there. So I think it must be some strange interaction with the AW tactic. I hope they fix it because it makes him unusable in war.
I don’t know how to upload a video but it happened on this hazard shift Manthing as well as a Kushula on node 38, neither node affects my power gain.

A couple seconds later without throwing a special or anything all my power is gone

Anyone else experiencing this?

He's supposed to get 60% of the power denied but I think somehow that power gain is being reversed on himself? I tried duels vs champs with power gain like Hyperion and the bug didn’t happen there. So I think it must be some strange interaction with the AW tactic. I hope they fix it because it makes him unusable in war.
I don’t know how to upload a video but it happened on this hazard shift Manthing as well as a Kushula on node 38, neither node affects my power gain.

A couple seconds later without throwing a special or anything all my power is gone

Anyone else experiencing this?
Figured out how to get a video to work, just a random section of the fight where the bug was occurring.
Paid a lot of money for this champion and need to know if this is a intended interaction or not?
Appreciate it especially as it’s the weekend
so many things going wrong recently and I know it’s not all in their control but every single thing has been bugged that I’ve been excited for, they took away raids, gave it back and then took it away again, Nefaria can’t even be used for tactic after they sell him away for hundreds, a bullseye bug assumeably with evade, the calendar crystal not giving anything, and there’s probably something else I’m forgetting. Hopefully this isn’t a sign for 9.1…
Because the normal ability is taking a percentage of power to steal regardless of what the current power rate should be doing, the Secutor node applies a negative 75% powerrate when active with 5+ Secutor charges. Looks like the Count then "steals" this power rate for yourself rather than the original Powerrate suggesting the tactic node power rate comes before everything else and Count's coding takes the top level powerrate as its own before modification thus resulting in power loss.
Can we expect it to be fixed at the speed of a pro-player bug like the recent Prowler synergy bug?
Or will this last until after this war meta when his kit is far less valuable?
Can we get someone who is actually addressing the ongoing pile of issues and the sad state of game and lack of communication?
Why there is no one addressing the RAIDS issue ongoing with the Nefaria bug?
It seems mods are avoiding these as banned topics.
With the raids people lost resources while with nefaria many people paid for the deals a significant amount to get a bigger champ.