Who to put 7* sig stones in?

DeepworldDeepworld Member Posts: 290 ★★★
Was just taking a look at my roster and I found that I've got a couple dozen 7* generic sig stones laying around. Without showing my roster (I cannot be arsed) who are like the top 7* champs to put both generics and class sig stones into?


  • captain_rogerscaptain_rogers Member Posts: 11,675 ★★★★★
    It really depends on your roster.

    The ones who you use the most AND require high sig, should get all the sigs.

    I personally put all my sigs on serpent just to intimidate my opponent's in bgs. He is currently 105, I'm planning to put the 20 sigs from act 9.1 and then stop at 125.

    In general, champs like domino, photon, sasquatch, Korg, Attuma, Shocker , guardian, Stark spidey, Angela and serpent are the champs I put my sigs without any second thoughts.
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