Mind you, this is a game with game logic. There are quite a few people with immunities that make no sense; like Kitty being immune to Incinerate "Thanks to Lockheed's assistance...!". What does he do, follow her around with an extinguisher?
Mind you, this is a game with game logic. There are quite a few people with immunities that make no sense; like Kitty being immune to Incinerate "Thanks to Lockheed's assistance...!". What does he do, follow her around with an extinguisher?
The Lockheed reason is bad, but Kitty is immune, she can phase her body and it won't harm her, but on the same note, she should be immune to other things (in-game) as well follow the same logic
Well even if she wasn't she should've been given some energy resistance at least
She generates them psycho-kinetically.
Why would her body be immune?
Mind you, this is a game with game logic. There are quite a few people with immunities that make no sense; like Kitty being immune to Incinerate "Thanks to Lockheed's assistance...!". What does he do, follow her around with an extinguisher?
Captain America infinity War
These guys would like to have a word