Cav iso and gold drought

I just posted about one of the boss fights in the EQ and got responses talking about using specific champions against them. As a (95%) F2P player I never think about ranking certain champions for specific battles because A. I probably don't have them as a 5 or 6* and B. I definitely don't have the iso or gold for them. I play everyday, do as much content as I can, am drowning in catalysts, and can't get gold and iso at the rate I need them. I'm seriously only able to take up a 6* to R2 maybe once every 3 weeks and then to R3 once every 2 months if I'm lucky due to no gold/iso. I think the biggest help for iso would be duping 4*s but as a cav player, I feel as if the 4* crystal shards, 4* crystals, 3* crystals, and PHC/grandmaster crystals are so few and far between these days. Am I missing something?
Gold is also a problem for me as a valiant and definitely my FTP paragon account. Just have to pace yourself, rank the right champ and get that Thronebreaker progression. Paragon will certainly help as the juicier rewards are still there for now.
Watch MCOC Noob as he has plenty of guides for story quest which many used and comment on as well.
Good luck mate.