Champions calendar

I just became thronebreaker but i am already 3 days into the champions calendar event where we get a 6 star selector at the end. Is there any way i can get the 7 star selector on the calendar or do i need a higher progression level or did i just not make thronebreaker intime to qualify?


  • Viper198787Viper198787 Member Posts: 601 ★★★★
    It won’t update. You didn’t make the cutoff. Once the calendar starts, it’s set.
  • LokxLokx Member Posts: 1,571 ★★★★
    As viper said once the calendar sets, it sets. However you might be able to get cheelith from the traders store as a 7*. Not sure tho, have a check
    Thanks for letting me know btw i cant get 7 star cheelith only 6 star from traders outpost
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