So we have had Winter of Woe, Spring of sorrow, currently summer of suffering and the upcoming autumn of agony.
When trying to explain these content, i always struggle to give them a unified name. What would you call these types of quest. We have long form content like necro, abyss etc and the newly introduced crucible like content. But what would you refer to these type of content that specifically only refers to only wow, sos etc
When trying to explain these content, i always struggle to give them a unified name. What would you call these types of quest. We have long form content like necro, abyss etc and the newly introduced crucible like content. But what would you refer to these type of content that specifically only refers to only wow, sos etc
FOF (Frustration Of Fall)
AOA (Angry Of Autumn)
I hope they revisit them some time; maybe turn the whole lot into a permanent Crucible-style quest or something.