Sentry rework idea

Sm0ke1Sm0ke1 Member Posts: 10
Sentry is one of my favorite characters so I want to do him justice with this and make him feel like the power house he is

Sentry rework - sentry starts each fight with a reality warp making him buff immune, it also changes the property of certain debuffs making them do the opposite effect of what it should do. Armor breaks act like armor ups, weaknesses act like fury’s, cowardice’s act like prowess, and any time a buff would be placed on him that is a counter part to one of his debuffs it gets turned into a debuff and is placed on him. Also every one of his attacks are energy damage

His debuffs - Weakness, concussion, enervate, disorient, energy vulnerability, and petrify. He can build these debuffs to a max stack of 4 but can go higher from outside sources. he can slow down there expiration by using light attacks or by pausing them during specials they can also be gained over time or from specials.

Specials - before a special attack there will be a prompt saying 2 or 1 if he use a special corresponding to the number he will gain 2 stacks of a random debuff.
His special 3, when you activate his sp3 he will turn into the Void and will place every one of his debuffs he gained throughout the fight on the opponent along with a reality warp which will cause the opponent to take degen damage per debuff on the opponent and if they were to gain a buff that would be a opposition one of his debuffs it would be instead turn into a debuff. He can pause the debuffs on the opponent by using light attacks and when he gains a debuff on himself from specials (idk if a worded it properly but he can continue to stack debuffs on himself after sending them over to the opponent.)

His heavy attack - if he uses a heavy attack the last debuff he placed on himself will be transferred over to the opponent.


  • Sm0ke1Sm0ke1 Member Posts: 10
    I wrote this all down a little fast and mistyped some words so sorry if a word feels out of placed and opposition should be opposite
  • captain_rogerscaptain_rogers Member Posts: 11,272 ★★★★★
    The concept is really cool... Debuffs acting as buffs. There should be waya to self inflict with debuffs, like weakness and fatigue, which can then be transferred to opponent.
  • WrathhWrathh Member Posts: 17
    This is a really nice concept, maybe just make it so when he uses corresponding special attacks he gains equal amount fury passive stacks as the random debuffs. Solid concept overall
  • Cloudddey_broCloudddey_bro Member Posts: 421 ★★★
    Make him immune to inequity. Don’t want another champ that places debuffs on themselves getting screwed over
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