Gladiator Hulk sneak peak going around.

So Ive seen MODOK & Sentry & Void which I thrilled about but theres stuff running around about a gladiator Hulk? Heres my concern:
I just find it lazy to release a champ re-skinned. Like Jane Foster & Thor? Sure fine. But this is just Hulk with armor? Surley they can just give us skins like Marvels FF & the costume changes up an attack or 2 or better yet, skip the duplication & just add a champ we havent seen yet, this is just a slot where an unseen, brand new champ could be.
Quite frankly I find it lazy & uncreative on Kabams part if theyre releasing this. We already have 4 spidermen, 4 iron men, just stop cutting corners on graphics & design for the sake of releasing a champ.
I just find it lazy to release a champ re-skinned. Like Jane Foster & Thor? Sure fine. But this is just Hulk with armor? Surley they can just give us skins like Marvels FF & the costume changes up an attack or 2 or better yet, skip the duplication & just add a champ we havent seen yet, this is just a slot where an unseen, brand new champ could be.
Quite frankly I find it lazy & uncreative on Kabams part if theyre releasing this. We already have 4 spidermen, 4 iron men, just stop cutting corners on graphics & design for the sake of releasing a champ.
I hear your point but this is just comes across as theyre lazy to get imaginative.
Hulk is awesome. I don't really care if it's a reskin as long as the move sets and abilities are different.
He will most likely be. I'm anticipating he will hit the Arena next week.
Time to get my wallet ready lol I can never beat the hardcore grinders in arena so I have to place my bets on crystals lol
Good luck! I've landed 2 4* Features in 2 years. XD
Yeah i know the struggle is real bro lol spending *cough,cough* every month haha AWESOME pulls though
This month was my first 1M in am arena & thats the easy peasy lil road to 1 million lol but I kicked Master modes ass at least (Its only my 2nd time 100%ing on Master *blush*)
Why do we need 2 cap marvels that are the same?
Thor and rag Thor?
BP and BP cw?
I’d like to see different costumes added for each champ (when it suits) and save the new mechanics for characters we haven’t seen/are waiting for.
Be kinda nice to choose from classic/movie/different teams/different timelines costumes for our favourite champs too. Classic/Xforce/weapon x/casual clothes wolvie.... etc.
Plus adding customisable costumes would add revenue without making the game more difficult with unavoidable damage.